Letter from Mike: Malawi – June 2018

“Many months passed by after Paul’s arrival in Rome, before the Jews of Jerusalem appeared in person to present their accusations against the prisoner. . . . Delay would further their object, as it would afford them time to perfect and execute their plans, and so they waited for a while before preferring their charges in person against the apostle. …

6/02/2018: Robbery to Redemption

Robbery to Redemption An unexpected robbery during an evangelism trip turns out as a blessing. This past August, the Revelation of Hope team led a nation-wide Bible Prophecy Seminar in the beautiful country of Fiji. Thanks to Hope Channel TV, Hope Radio FM, and live internet streaming, Taj Pacleb preached Christ to over 100 churches throughout Fiji, and across the water …

5/12/2018: Angel Deliverance

Angel Deliverance An old mission story inspires a present-day missionary to continue pressing on. The shimmering African sun sank low on the horizon, leaving a golden glow on the dusty streets of Kisangani. Ducking under a loose marketplace awning, two menacing tribal witchdoctors stepped onto the street, silent except for the scraping of their sandals. “Their house is around the …