The Right Arm of the Gospel

The Right Arm of the Gospel The health message reaches hearts in Senegal. As I climbed out of bed and pulled on my long sleeve shirt, I felt thankful for the cooler weather. After several years of no reprieve from the Senegalese heat, the chilly mornings and evenings were a welcome change. I began preparations for the busy weekend ahead—the …


Poisoned! God works a miracle to protect evangelists from harm. The day’s tropical heat cooled as evening shadows drew near. Two men conversed quietly. “Well,” one proceeded. “Should we return to the city? This village in the bush is obviously resistant to hearing the truth.” The meeting tent before them could hold many interested listeners, but only a few locals …

* Mission Focus: Congo Orphans *

Mission Focus: Congo Orphans There are over four million orphaned children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Maternal mortality, unsafe drinking water, malnutrition and many other factors are claiming the lives of tens of thousands of mothers and fathers leaving children to support themselves. The distressed orphans in DRC need our help. Pastor Ongasa with Train Th em Two Fish …

Reaching Out to Muslims with the Right Arm of the Gospel

Reaching Out to Muslims with the Right Arm of the Gospel Medical missionaries use the health message to reach the people in the Machinga district of Malawi. About 18 miles northeast of Zomba City, southern Malawi, sits a 15-acre parcel of land managed by Seventh-day Adventists with a vision. Surrounded by flourishing gardens and bordered by a perennial stream, the …

Dry Bones

Dry Bones New relationships grow from an original Bible study contact. “The souls of those whom we desire to save are like the representation which Ezekiel saw in vision – a valley of dry bones…We are to preach the word of life to those whom we may judge to be as hopeless subjects as though they were in their graves. Though …