Letter from Mike: Uganda – October 2024
“The third angel’s message, embracing the messages of the first and second angels, is the message for this time. We are to raise aloft the banner on which is inscribed, ‘The commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.’ The world is soon to meet the great Lawgiver over His broken law…. God calls upon His people to magnify the law and make it honorable.” Counsels on Health, 357.

Last year, I had the privilege of conducting a training session for over 80 Bible workers in the Southwest Uganda Field, all of whom were supported by your generous donations. During the training, we covered various topics including evangelism tactics, homiletics, apologetics, and eschatology.
Recently, I traveled back to Uganda to observe the impact of the training on the workers. I was amazed to witness how God has used them to lead many souls to His Kingdom. Numerous new churches have been established, dozens of evangelistic campaigns have been held, and thousands have heard God’s last-day warning from Revelation 14. Many people have given their hearts to Christ and been baptized. Although these new churches often meet under trees, in schools, or beneath tarps, they remain faithful to the truth while praying for a proper place to worship.

One of the churches I visited is located near the Rwanda-Congo border. Hosea, an MPI-supported Bible worker, has held numerous evangelistic meetings in this remote area. He walks miles each week to reach newly planted church groups, and there he spends hours providing counsel, helping new believers grow in faith, and praying with them through difficult decisions.
An unusual participant in one of Hosea’s recent evangelistic campaigns was Umar, a wealthy witch doctor. Umar was captivated by the message of the everlasting gospel. He learned that God is to be worshipped in spirit and truth by keeping the Sabbath day holy, that spirits of the departed are actually evil angels, and that hellfire is not currently burning. Umar began hearing the Holy Spirit’s still small voice saying, “This is the way.”

Umar decided to surrender his heart to the Lord, but many obstacles stood in his way. As a witch doctor, he had accumulated enough wealth to support 28 wives and 70 children. As he studied the Bible with Hosea, Umar became convicted that he needed to align his life with God’s will. He learned of God’s ideal for marriage and drew strength from the story of Abraham’s struggles. Acting on his conviction, Umar abandoned polygamy.
Many of Umar’s former wives saw the transformation in his life and approached Hosea with questions. Hosea began Bible studies with those who wanted to learn about the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Today, many of them have embraced the truth and joined the church.
We are deeply grateful for the support you’ve provided to mobilize Bible workers in the Southwestern Uganda Field. Many new churches have been planted that now need proper places to worship! The new believers desperately need financial assistance for roofing and concrete flooring in their worship spaces. Please consider how you can help! And please continue to pray for the faithful workers and their evangelistic efforts in Uganda.
Yours in Christ,

How You Can Help! We invite you to join us in a mission to bring hope and transformation to the people of Uganda. The need for churches and Bible workers is urgent, as many communities still lack access to the Gospel and a place of worship. Your generous support will help us build churches, train Bible workers, and share the love of Christ across Uganda. Together, we can create lasting change and strengthen the faith of believers in these underserved areas. For only $100, you can partner with us in supporting Bible workers as they carry the Gospel to unreached areas, helping to establish the foundation for new believers. Your contribution also aids in building churches to provide a lasting presence in these communities. With around $4,000, we can purchase the materials needed to construct a church. The local congregation takes pride in making the bricks and raising the walls, and we step in to help them complete the roof. Together, we can ensure that the work thrives and God’s love is spread in these unentered areas. Please consider donating today to help us continue this important work. Every gift makes a difference!! |