Letter from Cody: Philippines – February 2014

One of the most fascinating mountains of the Bible is the Mount of Olives—a major geographical landmark of Jesus’ ministry. Just east of Jerusalem, it served as a refuge from the machinations of the wily scribes and Pharisees where Jesus could came apart and commune with His Father. (John 8:1; Luke 21:37) From its crest Jesus triumphantly rode into Jerusalem. …

05/18/2013: 75,000 in 18 Days

75,000 in 18 Days   Earlier this year we received a forty-foot container of Tagalog tracts from the United States via ocean cargo. The container had 879,750 tracts in Tagalog for distribution in the Philippines. There are two main tracts in the shipment that we have translated into Tagalog. The first, Narito Siya’y Dumarating (Behold He Cometh), focuses on the …

01/19/2013: Crusade Versus Typhoon

Crusade Versus Typhoon Evangelism Miracles in the Philippines Before the flood, God sent Noah to warn the world, so people could be led to repentance and escape the coming destruction. As Christ’s second coming draws near, God is sending His servants to warn the world to prepare for that great event. In June, I left my home in Davao with …