01/18/2014: On the Borders of Eternity
On the Borders of Eternity
In The Philippines
“The work is fast closing up, and on every side wickedness is increasing. We have but a short time in which to work. Let us awake from spiritual slumber, and consecrate all we have and are to the Lord. His spirit will abide with true missionaries, furnishing them with power for service.” Christian Service, 80.
By God’s loving and unending grace, the work here in the Philippines has been very successful. But God is not done yet. Light on a Hill Evangelism (LHE) recently sponsored an evangelistic campaign in Bayanga and Baykingon, using the skills of youth and adult volunteers. This series was titled “On the Borders of Eternity” and included Bible study, prophecy, health lectures, Vacation Bible School, and healthy vegetarian cooking demonstrations. For a month and a half prior to the meetings we did groundwork in the two areas, airing advertisements and personally inviting people to the seminar.
At first, attendance was not that great and in the first week only a few people came. This didn’t hinder those who were doing the Lord’s service, and they carried on. Every day we held prayer marathons, asking God to lead us and to help us with time and labor management. During the day, we gave Bible studies to interested people and roamed around the area looking for prospects. In the afternoons we held the Vacation Bible School and then held cooking demonstrations for about 30 minutes before the evening meetings. This routine worked well throughout the entire campaign.
The series was a blessing to the region. We had asked for permission from public officials to hold the meetings. They said they were thankful for the opportunity that the people would have to study and learn more about the Bible. This gave us hope for the future.
As each day went by, the number of attendees grew. This was so encouraging to see and amazing that even in these days there are people who are truly longing to hear God’s word. Prayer made it possible! One of the attendees, Junn, who has been blind due to disease since he was a child, exclaimed, “I see the Light! I see the Light!” Despite his physical blindness, he was able to experience the wonder of understanding truth. To him it was a great privilege to attend the meetings and hear God’s word—all for free. Free admission, free books, and a Bible. He was very thankful.
In the second, third, and final weeks, even more people came and enjoyed the topics and lectures. Many were on the border of crisis due to illness, and they said it was a miracle to be given these amazing facts that there is still hope for eternity. They were relieved to know that Earth’s events were not going to ‘sneak up’ on God. They said that the programs were all good, clear, and hopeful, and all had great impact on each of their lives. The volunteers were just amazed. The Holy Spirit worked in us because people were so encouraged.
Joan, a 20-year-old woman from Bayanga said she attended in part because her father, a backslidden Seventh-day Adventist, told her to. But after attending several meetings, she said that she was enjoying them very much. The overall effort was fruitful and blessed everyone. Ten souls were baptized and are still cultivated today. The children’s meetings were also a success.
God, in His goodness, uses ordinary people who are just willing to serve. And these people touch the lives of others. We must use our talents in God’s service, no matter how small or big, and make ourselves and our time available for God’s cause. In addition to the evangelism, a group of LHE volunteers meets every Sunday in their “Five Loaves Ministry.” They gather bread that is either purchased or donated by generous people and give the loaves to people living in the street corners who are hungry and have no means to buy food. There is so much joy and happiness in the service of God!
We are so thankful to the Almighty Father for the great experiences, the struggles, and the joys. Choose to become an active participant in mission work—it is where Jesus becomes real to you and to the unreached thousands. We will hope and pray for those who attended the meetings to stay strong and apply what they have learned. Let us all pray for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to work in each of our hearts and minds, and for the new in faith to be strong, and for those who are still deciding to give their hearts to Jesus!
There are many individuals who have contributed and supported this evangelistic effort, in one way or another. A word of gratitude to Mission Projects International for funding and prayer support, as well as to all the volunteers who offered their time, effort, and talents. Above all, we thank God—the Greatest Missionary—who taught us to serve. There is nothing more beautiful than the wonderful experience of serving the Lord and humanity, sharing God’s greatest love to mankind.
Note: The Baykingon area now has five families gathering for worship in a very small place. They have begun work on a more spacious worship hall, as you can see in the pictures. However, due to lack of funds, work has stopped for now. Please pray to allow them to continue and finish the building, in accordance with God’s will.
May we impart the Holy Spirit of God through the joy of His service!
By Ara Mae Alfornon of Light on a Hill Evangelism. Email: aramae_alfornon@yahoo.com.