Letter from Mike: Zambia – January 2021

We bought two hundred Bibles to distribute to those who were recently baptized. Yet, thousands more still need a Bible of their own, and tens of thousands more still need to hear about Christ and His love.

Letter from Mike: Year in Review – December 2020

This year has been a challenging time for many people around the world. The disruptive coronavirus, political upheavals, and natural disasters all collided in 2020. All these things tell us that the end is near and that Jesus’ coming is closer than when we first believed! Jesus gives us the promise that through all of these disturbances the Three Angels’ …

The Sabbath Cure

A woman in Togo breaks family tradition to become a Christian. My name is Adjoua. I grew up in a rural village in northern Togo, West Africa, where my home was typical of most African ones. My family believed that our ancestors went on living after they died, and that we could continue communicating with them through the juju or …

Return of the Prodigal

An ex-Adventist receives a vision with a heavenly message. A few weeks ago, I visited the Darara-Lasha church in southern Ethiopia. After two hours of travel, I arrived to meet an aged gentleman. He kindly welcomed me and introduced himself as Mr. Tesema Asaro. As we walked together, he shared his story. A little more than twenty years ago, Mr. …

Kindness Wins

Kindness and truth break down prejudices in Malawi, winning many Muslims to Christ. “The church of Christ is God’s agency for the proclamation of truth; she is empowered by Him to do a special work. . . . If she will be true to her allegiance, there is no power that can stand against her.” Prophets and Kings, 259, 260. …

Beautiful Music

When a new church is built in her village, its beautiful music changes her life forever. Marian Raymundo knelt on the floor with the rest of her congregation, singing old Rizalist hymns. What did it all mean? Her family came to church every Sunday, dressed all in white. They spent most of their time singing, either marching around in a …

Don’t Get Convicted

A drifting young couple finds their way back to faith through the prayers of friends and family. As he walked into his first Revelation of Hope seminar, Jon Baker told himself, “Don’t get convicted.” He knew that he and his wife Karissa were not interested in God. But that night, as the couple listened to their old high school friend …

Redemption Radio Recap

Challenges with radio equipment turn into unexpected blessings. Redemption Radio is only one tiny ministry in a dark corner of Honduras. Yet somehow, we have been the target of both Satan’s opposition and the Lord’s marvelous interventions! Thinking back to 2019, we can’t help but thank God for turning difficulties into blessings. Here’s a recap of last year’s mission activities. …

From Rock to the Rock

A young man overcomes his rock music addiction. “Must you make all that racket?” my mom hollered. I didn’t care. My parents, who were mostly into rock and rave music, had just gotten me a brand-new drum set for my 13th birthday, and I was highly motivated to learn to play it. My new passion was born. Music consumed my …