Letter from Mike: Zambia – January 2021
“The Lord is testing His people to see who will be loyal to the principles of His truth. Our work is to proclaim to the world the first, second, and third angels’ messages. In the discharge of our duties, we are neither to despise nor to fear our enemies.… Putting our trust in God, we are to move steadily forward, doing His work with unselfishness, in humble dependence upon Him, committing to His providence ourselves and all that concerns our present and future, holding the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end, remembering that we receive the blessings of Heaven, not because of our worthiness, but because of Christ’s worthiness and our acceptance, through faith in Him, of God’s abounding grace.” Counsels on Health, 238.
Hillary Moonga is a pastor in the Monze District of Zambia who is passionate about reaching souls for Christ. When funds are available, he conducts a public crusade once a quarter. Pastor Moonga believes we are running out of time, and that we must work while it is the day, because the darkness is coming!
Although active himself in witnessing, he also has thirty churches to shepherd, and so he is constantly training the laity. Two times a year, Pastor Moonga brings his district together and trains church members in how to give Bible studies and how to help their study contacts make decisions for Christ. He also instructs them in how to lead their churches into active service and teaches them how to preach the Three Angels’ Messages effectively. He truly believes that our church must be steadily moving forward, preaching the Three Angels’ Messages to this world that is on the brink of ruin.
This last year, Mission Projects International started working together with Pastor Moonga. Through your gifts, we were able to buy two hundred Bibles for him to distribute to those he had recently baptized. Yet, thousands more in his district still need a Bible of their own, and tens of thousands more still need to hear about Christ and His love.
We would like to help Pastor Moonga fulfill his goal of reaching every soul in his area of influence with the gospel. Part of this goal includes providing a Bible for everyone who has given their hearts to Christ and been baptized. Another aspect we’re inviting you to help with is providing church buildings for Pastor Moonga’s congregations that currently worship under the trees.
Please pray for Pastor Moonga as he faithfully preaches God’s last warning message to this fallen world. If the Holy Spirit is impressing you to help move the Three Angels’ Messages forward in Zambia, mark your gifts “Zambia Bibles” or “Zambia Church Plants.” Bibles can be purchased for less than $10.
Yours in moving steadily forward!