Letter from Cody: Brazil – March 2016

We live in a time when families are under attack like never before. It seems that the biblical family unit as God designed it in Eden is rarely modeled today. This, of course, is just as the Bible predicted: “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of …

Letter from Cody: Brazil – Nov. 2015

Jesus asked a very penetrating question, “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. This is serious question for us to ponder. Jesus saw that true faith would almost become extinct just before his return—at the very time that we need more faith than ever before! Tragically, even among God’s people, there is …

11/07/2015: Move Forward by Faith!

Move Forward by Faith! Brazil   It is with great joy that we bring to your attention to this year’s activities at Santo’s Evangelistic Training Institute (SETI). Our team began the year at full steam. The course on health evangelism ran from January to May. Nine wonderful students attended this course, coming from different parts of Brazil. In the following …