Into the Latrine

Into the Latrine Missionaries determine to help rescue abandoned newborns in their area. “Suzan, I cannot believe this. This is horrible!” Though I have lived in Tanzania several years, I had never heard about the fate of many newborns in the villages surrounding our school. Suzan, one of our teachers, had just told me how they were often thrown into …

In Jesus’ Name

In Jesus’ Name Muslim friends request prayers from a Christian neighbor. Not so long ago, I was the only actual resident in our village, but lately, construction has burgeoned. I do miss the peace and quiet, yet the more neighbors we have, the more opportunities to share God’s love! One of my neighbors, Diatou, recently had a stroke that paralyzed …

Golden Moments

Golden Moments A woman uses spare moments to hand out GLOW tracts, and God connects her with a searching soul. I was back in my dear Australia! The squawking of parrots and the shimmering of pale green gum trees brought back sweet memories of days gone by. It would soon be two years since visa troubles had forced me to …

Fire from Heaven

Fire from Heaven When local villagers mock God’s people, He intervenes to provide land for a church. At a place called Hobicho in southern Ethiopia, no Seventh-day Adventists could be found. Then Mrs. Tagesech Birhanu moved there with her non-SDA husband—a drunkard, smoker and narcotic user. Whenever Tagesech’s pastor or other Adventist friends visited, her husband mocked at them. Still, …

Conversions in Congo

Conversions in Congo A local missionary takes the gospel into the heart of the Congo. “Get ready, get ready, get ready. . . . Sacrifice all to God. Lay all upon His altar—self, property, and all, a living sacrifice. It will take all to enter glory.” Early Writings, 66. Sometimes it feels like a sacrifice to venture into the heart …

A Team Effort

A Team Effort Thailand is impacted by willing hands and hearts for Christ. Greetings from Thailand! It is only through the sacrifice of people like you that Brenda and I, along with our family, have been able to work in this country. Your ongoing donations provide for our basic living expenses, and make it possible for us to increase our …

A Mobile Sabbath School

A Mobile Sabbath School A man with a testimony feels burdened for his people. I was lost in a world of religious skepticism. Tossed in an ocean of cultist teachings, by God’s grace, I escaped by learning Bible truth. I realized that a new life in Christ requires a whole new lifestyle. I had dealt in the alcohol selling business …

A Lasting Impact

A Lasting Impact A woman’s close call serves as an important reminder. We often think of the poem by British missionary Charles Studd. “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” We met a certain woman whose story reminded us of this quote. She once considered herself a Christian, but had since wandered away …

A Home for the Children

A Home for the Children A woman experiences tears and joy as she opens a refuge in Nepal. Sometimes, life throws a curve ball. Suddenly, we are hurled down an unforeseen road. In the process of an abrupt turn, we gain speed and hang on for dear life. Nearly 25 years ago, the straight little road I traveled with my …