Our Second Chance

Dorla’s marriage is completely broken. Then someone invites her family to church, and life changes radically. Our home life was chaos, and I felt helpless to improve it. My husband and I had so many barriers between us that it seemed nothing could reconcile us. Separation seemed imminent. Then someone invited us to attend the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and we …

Seeking the Lost

A praying Bible worker searches for missing church members. Many years ago when I served as an elder at a local church in the United States, the pastor posted a list of missing members on the bulletin board. In time, the many names were simply removed from the church membership list. I still have a burden for those souls and …

Power from on High

One of Jesus’ last promises to His church is in Acts 1:8: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me . . . to the end of the earth.” (NKJV). When He ascended to the Father, Jesus supplied divine power to His people. “Therefore being exalted to the …

Someone Loved Her

Mirian grew up feeling unimportant and unloved—but that was before she met the missionaries.

Not an Option

When Alex prays for a Bible worker for Kakukuuru, God’s answer surprises him!