Total Turnaround

Darío had little interest in spiritual things, but then God used heartbreak to turn things around. It had been ten years since Darío and Judi were married at her church in Caicedonia, Colombia. Judi was a Seventh-day Adventist and made the 40-minute trip to church every week, but Dario had no interest in spiritual things. Judi had a burden to …

The Strangest Thought

Marco wants help, but he is surprised by where it comes from! My life had become a terrible mess, and I had only myself to blame. My job paid well, but I used only a small portion of my earnings to care for my family. The rest I spent on alcohol, partying and night life. Too late, I realized that …

Sarah’s Life Change

An earnest believer is torn between two churches—and a single question. Sarah’s small daughter was sick—very sick. She read in Scripture where Jesus answered a mother’s plea to heal her child and decided to make the same request. “Lord, please heal her,” she prayed as she knelt beside her bed for the first time. When her daughter quickly recovered, Sarah …

From Anxiety to Peace

God uses social media to transform a young woman’s outlook. My name is Ashley Ramirez. I attended a Seventh-day Adventist church as a child, mostly because my sisters and grandmother were members there. Honestly, I wasn’t interested in the things of God, but I surrounded myself with distractions to try and fill the emptiness in my heart. And all the …

Funeral Evangelism

A Bible worker’s remarks at a funeral bring hope to searching souls. My team of Bible workers and I were busy conducting an evangelistic campaign in a part of Zambia where there were no Seventh-day Adventists. While we were there, a local Catholic priest passed away. This area has been dominated by the Catholic church for decades, so his funeral …

Adolfo Tries Again

God sends the right people into a man’s life when he battles discouragement.

Blessed Are the Meek

In giving us the Beatitudes, Jesus revealed the characteristics that people in His spiritual kingdom will have. These character attributes “glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16, NKJV. Christ is the “brightness of His [Father’s] glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power…” Hebrews 1:3. Yet, Jesus “made Himself of …

Akashanda Church

Through your donations, Mission Projects International hired Pastor Edward to work as a full-time evangelist in Uganda, planting churches in areas where there are no Adventists. He has been doing a tremendous work in establishing churches, but now these churches need our help! Many of the churches Pastor Edward has planted are meeting under mango trees to shelter them from …

190,000 Shillings

The radio station has no money to pay the electric bill. What will God do?