Letter from Mike: Zambia – November 2021

Nchimunuya came home to find a snake in her bed—a sign that she had angered the spirits. She persuaded the creature to leave her bedroom, only to have it return the next day and every day afterward for quite some time. 

No Salvation

Halima thought Allah and God were the same—until she was forced to attend the mosque.

Messenger FM

Irresistible music leads a young Muslim to Christ!

From Confusion to Clarity

I was born into spiritual confusion, with a Muslim father and a Seventh-day Adventist mother. It felt like a constant battle. 

Three Baptisms

As the door-to-door missionary raised his hand to knock, a sound from inside the home caught his attention. Was that a sermon playing in the background?

Tamasha’s Stand

Against the threats of her parents, a young Muslim takes her stand for Jesus.


“Pastor, can you help us understand?” Ariel Lantingan looked into his pastor’s face. “We read the Bible every Sunday, but why can’t we understand what it means?”

How Jesus Works

An Apache convert finds comfort in praying for others. It’s Wednesday evening, and Silas just made my day. Silas is Apache, but 20 years ago he married a Navajo girl and has lived with her in the Navajo heartland ever since. He quit drinking and drugging a few years back and started attending a Sunday church within walking distance of …