No Salvation

Halima thought Allah and God were the same—until she was forced to attend the mosque.

Tears filled Halima’s eyes. First it had been Mother, who had lost her fight with cancer. With all the housework and her young siblings to look after, 14-year-old Halima had been forced to quit school.  Three years later, Halima’s father had died as well.  How would Halima provide for the family?

Haruna, a wealthy young Muslim man, listened sympathetically to Halima’s trials. “I would like to help you,” he told Halima. “If you will marry me, I will take care of your sisters and brothers.” 

“But I am a Christian, and you are Muslim,” Halima protested. 

“I will let you go to church and remain a Christian,” he promised.

It would make your life easier, a little voice whispered. Allah of the Koran is the God of Abraham and Isaac—the God of the Bible. Reluctantly, Halima accepted Haruna’s proposal.

During their first year of marriage, Haruna kept his promises. Then he married a second wife. Gradually, he stopped paying school fees for Halima’s siblings. Then he forbade Halima to go to church. “I expect you to attend prayer at the mosque every Friday,” he informed her. “And when you pray, it must be in Arabic.” 

Halima did not enjoy reciting prayers in a language she didn’t understand, and she sorely missed singing praises to God. The imam said that to sing in a mosque would be Satanic. He also taught that Allah had already chosen those who would go to the place of eternal peace. He never mentioned repentance or forgiveness of sins. Though she felt she must obey her husband, Halima found no peace or salvation in Islam.

Then, during one of Haruna’s numerous business trips, Halima decided to sneak off to church. The nearby Pentecostal group did at least talk about Jesus, but their noisy music seemed to be only for entertainment. It didn’t lift Halima’s heart to God.

About that time, an Adventist pastor brought a youth choir to hold a concert in her town. As Halima listened, the songs stirred her heart. God knew what I needed at this very moment! Halima realized. Then Pastor Syliver delivered a message, and Halima wished he would keep speaking all night. Her heart thirsted for more of God’s Word! 

Every night, Halima kept dreaming about the concert. Finally, she called Pastor Syliver to find out how to get to his church. The next Sabbath, she went there. 

When her husband found out that Halima had been attending church, he beat her mercilessly. But Halima had made up her mind to return to Jesus, so she took her children and siblings and left. She had a little money to rent a room, and friends gave her some work to buy food. Each week, she saved enough money to travel to church. In seeking Jesus, Halima found peace. 

One Sabbath she visited the Kagongo SDA Church, where she met Pastor James Musinguzi and his wife. They struck up a friendship, and after that the older couple often visited Halima to offer help and encouragement. In awe of the love they showed her, Halima would take the Musinguzis to visit her friends, and soon many of them had been won to Jesus, as well.

After many Bible studies with the pastor, Halima was baptized with 12 of her friends. Since there wasn’t a Seventh-day Adventist church in their town, the church sent someone to teach Halima’s group every Sabbath. They even began laying plans to conduct an evangelistic series. 

With Jesus by her side, Halima has never regretted losing her husband. Jesus became her friend and her spiritual husband!  


James Musinguzi is a retired pastor who keeps active in evangelism and church planting.

How You Can Help
Pray for Halima in her new walk with Jesus. Pray that she and her friends will bring others to know Jesus’ love. 

Give. Needs in Uganda include new church buildings and church planter support. These gifts can be marked “Uganda Workers” or “Uganda Churches.” To relieve cases of suffering such as Halima’s, mark your gifts “Poor Fund.” Send donations to: 

Mission Projects International 
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

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