Letter from Cody: Philippines – September 2010
We look forward to the time when a great revival will sweep the church and world. We refer to it under various names: the latter rain, the loud cry, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, etc.; and indeed a great revival is coming—in which thousands will embrace the faith! But what will bring on this great revival? “Let us give more time to the study of the Bible. We do not understand the word as we should. The book of Revelation opens with an injunction to us to understand the instruction that it contains. ‘Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy,’ God declares, ‘and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.’ When we as a people understand what this book means to us, there will be seen among us a great revival.” Testimonies to Ministers, 113. May we cooperate with our Lord that this great revival that He so desires to send may come upon us.
Pastor Mike Bauler has recently returned from a very exciting trip to the Philippines where the Holy Spirit is working mightily. The Lord has opened the door not to a just few hearts but to dozens of churches from a very unlikely source. A number of years ago a church broke away from the Catholic faith to become more “Filipino.” Their main difference was that they wanted to worship the national hero of the Philippines, José Rizal, instead of the various saints of Catholicism. So they erected images of Rizal in their churches and worshipped him as their deliverer from colonialism.
Several years ago one of the priests in one of these churches became interested in what the Bible taught and was converted to Seventh-day Adventism, but his burden for his friends and once fellow-believers in this Rizal-worshipping cult did not cease. Brother Aque, the former priest, began studying the message with those within his former churches and an interest has developed. Through a mutual acquaintance, Brother Aque was introduced to one of our evangelists, Nanding Cabahug. Brother Nanding is always on-fire to share the message of truth. He began going to the areas where these churches were and giving seminars for the church members and for the local community. Through the preaching of Brother Nanding and the connection with Brother Aque, many are beginning to leave their idol worship and are keeping the Sabbath of the Lord! Even the leader of the entire church has been studying and accepting the message. He has read several Spirit of Prophecy books from his late father who was the founder of the church and loves what he is reading and learning. It is his desire to accompany Brothers Nanding and Aque to as many of the churches within his organization as possible to share the Three Angels’ Messages. The Lord has truly opened a door for the spreading of the gospel! Already four or five churches have left their old ways and are rejoicing in their new-found truth and many have committed their lives to the Lord God of Heaven through baptism. While Mike was there, he was able to give a short seminar in one of the churches; and, while there was some opposition, others made strong decisions to leave their former ways. In another church, nineteen souls united with God’s remnant people through baptism. Not just individuals are taking their stand for truth but entire churches, and even a denomination is seeking to become a part of God’s remnant people!
The Lord is truly working. Please pray for Brothers Nanding and Aque as they minister to the hungry souls who are seeking to untangle themselves from the devil’s deceptions. If you would like to help further the evangelistic efforts of Brother Nanding and his fellow workers in the Philippines, you can mark your donation, “Philippine Evangelism.”
Yours in the Master’s service,