Letter from Mike: Malawi – October 2019
“All that has perplexed us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find explanation. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony. We shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying. As we realize the tender care of Him who makes all things work together for our good, we shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Adventist Home, 542.
God is doing a mighty work in the country of Malawi! Recently, Golden Lapani held a public crusade in a predominately Muslim area with very few Christians, and there he saw the providences of God. Many Muslims and a few Christian believers attended. Loudspeakers around the perimeter of the meeting place broadcasted the messages to many more residents who did not want to be seen at the meetings, for fear of reprisal.
After Golden presented the Sabbath, many came to church for the first time on God’s holy day of rest. There they learned that the Sabbath is the seal of the living God. During the presentation on the Three Angels’ Messages, conviction deepened in their hearts. At the end of the meetings, Golden called the people to take a stand for the truth and be baptized, and many came forward. Golden asked if anyone there needed prayer as they made their decisions to follow Jesus and prepare for baptism. As the people came forward, Golden saw a man emerge from the shadows behind a wall. The man was looking over his shoulder as if to see if anyone were following. He came to the center of the circle where Golden was praying and told Golden that he wanted to be baptized.
After the prayer, everyone dispersed to their homes, and Golden and his team began packing the chairs and equipment. Then a man approached them. Golden recognized him as Asaf, the man who had emerged from behind the wall asking for prayer. Asaf told Golden that his parents had watched him as he went forward at the baptismal call, and they were furious. When he had gone home, his parents asked him if he was going to join the Christian church, and he answered with a definite “Yes.” He tried to explain that he had found the truth, and that Islam’s teachings are a lie. Livid, his parents commanded him to gather his belongings and leave forever. As he gathered up his meager possessions, Asaf’s his parents reminded him what a disgrace he was bringing upon them and upon Islam; yet Asaf purposed in his heart that he would not turn back to following lies. He pledged always to obey and follow Jesus and His truth. Having no home, job or even food, he decided to risk all for the truth’s sake, believing by faith that God would take care of the circumstances he had gotten himself into by obeying the Bible.
As Golden and his team prayed again for Asaf, another man stepped forward from the darkness. Upon hearing of Asaf’s predicament, he offered him a job. A church member opened his home to Asaf until he could get back on his feet. Already, Asaf was learning that although we may have to wait for the Kingdom to understand God’s ways, He will provide if we trust Him!
If you would like to help Golden and his team take the gospel to the millions of Muslims in Malawi who have never heard of Jesus, mark your gifts “Malawi Workers.” If you would like to help provide a church for the new converts to worship in, mark your donations, “Malawi Churches.”
Yours in spreading the good news!