Beside the Well, Part 2
Beside the Well, Part 2
A modern-day story of the man at the well!
According to the World Health Organization, two billion people around the globe use drinking water contaminated with fecal material—water that can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio. Two years ago, we began drilling wells to provide safe, clean drinking water for the people in Togo, West Africa, and right now the drilling of our third well is underway. The wells have been a major blessing to the people who live within walking distance. They can now continue growing fruits and vegetables through the dry spells without fear of the irrigation water polluting their produce with harmful bacteria. They no longer use disease-infested water to bathe, cook and clean.
In addition to providing safe water, the wells have been a spiritual blessing to the people. Because the wells are located next to churches, the leadership in Togo decided to close the wells on Sabbath as a witness to the community. The people who come for water on Friday are told the story of the Israelites gathering twice as much manna on the preparation day. They have learned to get enough water on Friday so that they can have water on Sabbath!
The story in John 4 of the woman at the well has been our model in winning souls to Jesus. All day, a Bible worker ministers to the crowd bustling around the well—usually 20 or more people. As they wait to fill their jugs, they receive literature and hear a Bible study. Some listen attentively while others hurry off, but the worker faithfully sows the seed, looking for seeking souls.
Koumeabalo had been a taxi driver for 14 years. He started work before sunrise and continued long after sunset; yet even with his 16-hour workday, his income could not support his family. In discouragement, he told his wife one evening that he needed to change jobs if they were to survive. The trouble was that jobs in their area were extremely rare.
The next day Koumeabalo went looking for work. Providentially, he came to the well and heard the Bible worker speaking. Hope began to swell in his heart that the Bible was the answer to his difficulties. As he sat and listened to the Bible worker talk about God and His love in sending Jesus to die for our sins, the Holy Spirit began to touch Koumeabalo’s heart. Conviction of his past sins came vividly to his mind, and he knew he must confess and forsake his wrongdoing. Finding a quiet spot, he unburdened his soul to the Lord. Then he came back to the Bible worker and asked him to tell him more about his newfound Savior and the Three Angels’ Messages. The Bible worker agreed to study personally with Koumeabalo’s family, and after many Bible studies, they all decided to follow the Bible’s teachings.
Feeling that God was impressing him to be a farmer, Koumeabalo quit his job as a taxi driver and began cultivating the land near the well, where he would have plenty of water to irrigate his plants. He grew carrots, onions, lettuce and tomatoes—and the sales brought in enough income to take care of his family. Koumeabalo thanks God for the well!
Many are coming to a knowledge of the truth because of the wells drilled in Togo. The wells continually remind the people that God is the source of all life, just like the water they receive day by day. “Let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17, NKJV.
Mike Bauler is the director of Mission Projects International.
How You Can Help
Pray. Pray for funds to drill more wells in Togo. Above all, pray for the people visiting the wells to find the living water!
Give. Each well costs about $8,000 to drill. You can help drill wells in Togo, support the workers or provide them with literature by sending your donations marked “Togo,” “Togo workers,” “Togo literature,” or “Togo wells” to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138
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