Letter from Mike: Malawi – October 2018
At this Thanksgiving holiday, Missions Projects International would like to give a special thank you to all those who have donated to the ventures we are involved in! As I write, I am traveling home from the central African country of Malawi. I went to Malawi to conduct evangelistic meetings, train Bible workers and laymen, visit the projects we have helped sponsor and produce a video update on the work we are doing in this Muslim county. In the last year and a half, Mission Projects International has been involved in starting seven new churches in areas where formerly there had been no Seventh-day Adventist presence–areas dominated by Islam. These seven new churches now have a combined total of more than two thousand members. Golden Lapani, a former Muslim, is the driving force behind the efforts to raise up churches in these Muslim areas where no Adventist church exists. God has given Golden special wisdom to reach those of his former religion.
During my time in Malawi, we held evangelistic meetings in the remote Muslim village of Salima. As I spoke and Golden translated, many in this village positively responded to the Three Angels’ Messages. There was no public hall where we could conduct the meetings, and no tent to shelter us from the hot African sun. Instead, we met under a large tree in the center of the village. Even though it was hot and very dusty from a lack of rain, 500–600 persons attended. Many walked long distances from the surrounding villages to hear the final warning from Revelation 14. This was the second time many of these souls had heard the truth preached, because Golden had conducted meetings in this village several months before.
On the final night of the meetings, we appealed to the people to follow their Lord and Savior into the waters of baptism. Fifty people responded and obeyed the call from Jesus. It was such a blessing to see dozens of people go into the water grave and be raised to newness of life. The church built in this village will have a membership of more than 350 people. Many more will accept the message as these newly baptized members share what God has done in their lives.
Salima is just one example of the work in Malawi. We are continually seeking to extend God’s last-day message to more cities and villages where the name of Jesus has never been known. This coming year we plan to hold several more evangelistic campaigns in Islamic areas. In each of these places, churches will be built to bring permanence and stability to the work. If you would like to take part in reaching the Muslim country of Malawi, mark your donation “Malawi Evangelism.”
Thank you so much for your support and prayers as we seek to extend the message of the cross to every tribe, tongue and people!
Yours in preaching the gospel,