Letter from Mike: Zambia – December 2024
“Drink deep of the well of salvation. Go to the fountain for yourself, that you may be filled with refreshment, that Jesus may be in you a well of water, springing up unto everlasting life.” Christian Education, 119. Water is essential for all living things. Without it, humanity would die out. The same principle applies to our spiritual lives. To continue growing in spiritual maturity, we must receive fresh supplies of grace from the Holy Spirit. Without the Living Water, our spirituality would atrophy, and our faith would wither.
Providing clean drinking water to drought-prone regions of the world has proven to be an effective method of sharing Living Water and winning souls to Christ’s Kingdom. One such region is central Zambia. Rainfall there comes within a specific time frame each year, but it is often inconsistent. Crops frequently fail due to either excessive rain or severe drought, leading to famine and hunger on a scale not seen in developed nations. Through your generous donations, we have been able to drill wells in Zambia, relieving this dire situation. Even better, these wells have done more than just provide clean, fresh water to thirsty families. They have become lifelines for the community.
In times of drought, many women, married and unmarried, are forced into prostitution just to earn enough money to feed their children. The wells you have provided have changed this narrative. They allow families to grow their own crops in personal gardens, ensuring food security. Many now harvest enough to feed their families and even sell surplus crops in local markets, generating additional income for clothing, school fees, and other essentials.
Beyond meeting physical needs, these wells have become centers of influence, drawing villagers together to hear the Word of God. The practical demonstration of God’s love through the provision of clean water has brought thousands of visitors to the Seventh-day Adventist churches in the area. Since the beginning of 2024, more than 500 have responded to Christ’s love shown through the wells and the centers of influence, and have chosen to be baptized.
Pastor Moonga and his team of six MPI-supported Bible workers have planted approximately 20 new congregations near the new wells since the start of 2024. Churches in areas with existing wells are experiencing exponential growth. Many lives have been rescued from despair and degradation, finding hope in the knowledge of a God who loves them and cares for their needs.
Pastor Moonga and the Bible workers continue to scour the Monze district, reaching as many people as they can with the gospel. Please consider how you can support MPI in this vital mission—whether through sponsoring Bible workers, planting churches, or drilling additional wells. Supporting a Bible worker costs $100 per month, while drilling a well costs approximately $7,500.
Please keep Pastor Moonga and his team in your prayers as they proclaim the Three Angels’ Messages in Zambia. Together, we can bring both physical water and the Living Water to a world that is thirsty for the Word of God.
Yours in Christ!