Water, Wells, and Winning Souls
God uses dreams and a well to win a man over to the Water of Life.
Mbulo Chilala often dreamed in the night that Jesus was the only true God. But being a staunch Muslim, this reoccurring message posed a perplexing problem to his thoughts. He felt impressed to accept Christ as His personal Savior and heard a voice directing him to read John 4:14. Mbulo didn’t even own a Bible, so he stopped at a neighbor’s house and asked to borrow one. He flipped through the pages until he found the verse and read: “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.”
Water. Clean water wells were desperately needed in his area. It just so happened that Mission Projects International had drilled a well near his village where the people could enjoy clean drinking water. Mbulo inquired and learned that the only one place where residents could access clean water was located at an Adventist church three miles from his home. Although troubled by the dreams and his cherished beliefs, he recognized that God was speaking to him using this metaphor. When he needed to draw water, it would come from the Seventh-day Adventist church. He thought well of the church for offering such a selfless gift to the community.
But Mbulo was not wholly ready to accept the Water of Life. He rejected a Bible worker’s attempts to bring the Bible into his home, sometimes even chasing the man away. As often as this scenario happened, Mbulo would receive a dream of rebuke that night for spurning God’s messenger. Finally, Mbulo summoned the Bible worker. “God has troubled me in my dreams at night,” he explained. “He is showing me that He is the living water of life.” He apologized for his roughness in chasing the Bible worker away, and requested home visits where he could learn more about the Bible. Three months later—after a series of intense Bible studies—this Muslim man converted to Christianity and decided to be baptized and give his heart to the Lord.
Mbulo is one of many whose lives have been touched by the gift of the well. Many staunch Muslim families live in the village of Kachenje, Zambia, but their lives are being transformed by God’s grace and they are being baptized because of the love of God made visible through the providence of water.
But Kachenje is only one village. There are many more in desperate need of a clean water source for the health and safety of the residents, and there remains a spiritual drought. Will you help us drill more wells and draw more souls to the living water?
Hilary Moonga is the pastor of many churches in the Monze district of Zambia.
How You Can Help
Pray for the evangelistic work Pastor Moonga and his team are doing in Zambia, especially the mass evangelism that is planned for this year.
Pray for Brother Mbulo as he begins his new life in Christ and shares Christ’s message with others!
Give. Funds are needed to provide Bibles to new believers, build churches, support church planters, and drill more wells. Send your check marked “Zambia,” “Zambia Bibles,” or “Zambia Workers” to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 237
Kirksville, MO 63501
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