Letter from Mike: Honduras – November 2024

“God’s intervention had held back the forces that opposed the truth. Charles V was determined to crush the Reformation, but as often as he raised his hand to strike he had been forced to direct the blow elsewhere.” Love Under Fire, 85.

God is no different today than He was during the 16th century Protestant Reformation! He is still working through His people to bring the Three Angels’ Messages to the world. He is pressing back the powers of darkness so the unconverted can hear the everlasting gospel.

In the Honduran town of Zacamatepe, Brother Luis Armijo Díaz set out on a mission to plant a new Seventh-day Adventist church. Knowing he would face strong opposition, Luis placed his trust in God and the power of prayer.’

As news spread of his intentions, two local evangelical church leaders began to stir opposition. These leaders went door to door, spreading rumors about the Seventh-day Adventists, hoping to turn the townspeople against them. Despite their efforts, Brother Luis was not discouraged. He continued to claim the promises of the Bible, believing that God would guide his mission.

Continuing their attempts to hinder the Adventist outreach, the evangelical leaders scheduled their own evangelistic meetings on the same days that Brother Luis held his. Instead of deterring the villagers, however, the rivalry sparked curiosity. The lies being circulated did not keep people away from Brother Luis’s meetings. To the contrary, many locals attended and heard the Word of God for themselves.

At the close of the meetings, Brother Luis invited his listeners to accept Christ’s truth and be baptized. While many felt a desire to respond, hesitation lingered. The evangelical leaders had warned them that joining the Adventist faith was akin to aligning with the devil. Fear and doubt clutched many hearts.

Among the first to be baptized was Doña Elvia. She faced harsh criticism for changing her beliefs, keeping the Sabbath, and excluding unclean meats from her diet. When others joined her in baptism, they too endured ridicule. Some felt disheartened, but Brother Luis’s resolve only grew stronger. He took courage from the words, “By your fervent prayers of faith you can move the arm that moves the world.” Prayer, 61. Each day at 5:00 am, he and the new church members gathered to pray, asking God to dispel the darkness that surrounded them.

God answered their prayers in a remarkable way. Conflict arose within the evangelical congregations, and their leaders began to argue. The division grew so severe that the congregations split, and eventually, the two pastors left Zacamatepe altogether. With the departure of these pastors, only one church remained in the town—the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Through this miraculous turn of events, God showed His power and answered the heartfelt prayers of Brother Luis and his congregation. What had once seemed impossible had come to pass, and God’s truth was firmly established in Zacamatepe.

God is using His workers to reach souls in rural Honduras! Please pray for the work and consider supporting the workers and their evangelistic outreach. For $1,000 per month, an evangelistic pastor can be supported to work in Honduras.

Yours in praying for power to carry the message!