Just One Sermon
The Holy Spirit convicts a young man through an evangelistic sermon.

Peter grew up in a family where religion was seldom discussed. Like many others in the village, he had no exposure to God or religious teachings. The community’s culture greatly influenced Peter’s behavior and personality. It wasn’t uncommon for young boys and girls to marry at a premature age. Young children often engaged in adult behaviors such as smoking tobacco, which hindered their ability to make wise choices as they grew older.
One evening, an open-air evangelistic program began in the village. Peter was initially uninterested, but the program occurred every night for a week. On the final evening, something compelled him to attend. As he approached the gathering, he overheard the preacher’s voice booming through the speakers.
“God has a plan for each of us,” the preacher said. “He sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins.”
Peter found himself drawn to the message and took a seat at the back of the crowd. The preacher continued, “Jesus loves you, no matter who you are or what you’ve done. He offers redemption and eternal life. All you need to do is accept Him as your Savior and follow His lead.”
As the sermon progressed, Peter felt that the words were meant for him. He had never heard the plan of salvation explained from the Bible like this. After the sermon, the preacher invited anyone who wished to learn more or accept Jesus to come forward.
Peter hesitated for only a moment, but then decided that this was an important choice. He stood up and walked to the front. The preacher smiled warmly. As they took a moment to pray together, Peter felt an overwhelming sense of peace and joy. He knew in that moment that his life had changed forever. He had accepted Jesus into his heart.
After the prayer, Peter looked up, his eyes shining with new hope. “What happens next?” he asked.
The preacher smiled. “If you are ready, we can arrange for you to be baptized. It’s a way to publicly declare your faith and commitment to Jesus.”
Peter nodded. “I want to be baptized right away. Jesus died to save me, and I owe Him my life!”

Within days, Peter was baptized in a small river near the village. As he emerged from the water, he felt a sense of renewal. He was ready to start his new life in Christ.
From that day forward, Peter’s life was transformed. He no longer engaged in the harmful behaviors of his past. Instead, he dedicated himself to learning more about Jesus and sharing the message of salvation with others in his community.
Peter recognizes that it was only the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit that brought him to conversion. Just one sermon banished all darkness and brought him into the light, free from the bondage of sin. He is excited that his conversion can be a steppingstone for his unbelieving family to know Jesus as well. He says, “I am overjoyed to accept God’s call!” Peter prays that his family will soon come to know the salvation of God.
Papua New Guinea
Moses Yauma is a lay evangelist working in the upper highlands of PNG.
How You Can Help
Pray for the evangelistic endeavors of Moses and the other lay workers as they reach out to the people around them who are starving for the truth.
Pray for Peter as he begins his new life in Christ. Pray that God will continue to give him victory and a steadfast faith in His Word.
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