Letter from Mike: Colombia – August 2024
“The Saviour saw one case of supreme wretchedness. It was that of a man who had been a helpless cripple for thirty-eight years. His disease was in a great degree the result of his own sin, and was looked upon as a judgment from God. Alone and friendless, feeling that he was shut out from God’s mercy, the sufferer had passed long years of misery.… The sick man was lying on his mat, and occasionally lifting his head to gaze at the pool, when a tender, compassionate face bent over him, and the words, ‘Wilt thou be made whole?’ arrested his attention.” Desire of Ages, 202.
Many in our world today are suffering from the consequences of their own choices, and Jesus looks upon them with compassion just as He did on the man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus, the “Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3), sympathizes with the multitudes burdened with sickness and disease. He wants to use us to alleviate their suffering.
Margarita lives near the big city of Cali, Colombia. She works for a family who owns a large farm. In her youth, she made many mistakes that impacted her life profoundly. With no family support, she had to raise her baby boy alone. Then her son grew up and moved to Spain, leaving Margarita alone. When the loneliness became unbearable, she turned to food for comfort. This led to a diabetic coma that put Margarita in the hospital for several weeks.
Her sister, who lived in another region of Colombia, heard about Margarita’s diagnosis and invited her to live with her. Having lost her ability to keep her job, Margarita did need a place to stay, so she accepted. Although she tried to help in her sister’s home, health issues continued to hinder her productivity. Yet it was here that Margarita began learning about God’s love for her. Her sister invited her to attend church on Saturday and arranged for a Bible worker named Juvenal to visit her. Despite Margarita’s initial disinterest, Juvenal persisted until she agreed to study the Bible with him. Meanwhile, the church began an evangelistic series, which Margarita attended. After the campaign and her personal Bible studies, she surrendered her life to Jesus and was baptized.
In receiving Jesus, Margarita made many changes in her lifestyle and eating habits. The body tremors and weakness which she used to experience frequently happen only occasionally now, and she is able to work! The more she studies the Bible, the more peace she experiences. Margarita loves to tell her relatives and friends about the power of Christ and the Word of God. She is a living testimony to the power that accompanies the truth.
Please pray for the soul-winners on the front lines in Colombia. Pray for Margarita and the many others who are coming to Christ through the efforts of Juvenal and his team of local Bible workers. And please consider supporting these workers by marking your gifts “Colombia Workers.”
Yours in seeking the lost!
How You Can Help!
Juvenal and his team of Bible workers are planting new congregations in the central part of Colombia. His team of Bible workers is moving from house to house ministering to the needs of the people, through lifestyle classes, personal Bible studies, and gospel literature. Margarita is one of many who this team of Bible workers has brought the faith. Many are responding to the message of God’s love through these dedicated workers. Please pray for Juvenal and his team while they work on the front lines of Satan’s kingdom in Colombia! For just $100 per month, we can continue supporting these workers in their work of planting new congregations in Colombia.
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138