Hungry for the Word

Parents find hope in God after suffering loss.

Our school ministry has yielded amazing results, which are evident even to the parents of our students! We still can hardly believe the impact it has had in the community of Aripiaco. We often hear children singing the songs we taught them while on their boats paddling to school. Sometimes their parents even approach us asking for a copy of the songs, because they want to learn them too. The Bible stories we have shared with the children have helped them to grow spiritually as well. Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount really inspired us, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Anita Williams is one of the parents who showed interest in learning not just the songs but also the word of God. One sunny afternoon, after we dismissed our Bible class with the nursery students, Anita waved us down. She asked us for a large-print Bible, as both she and her husband, William, struggle to read regular Bibles because of eye problems.

After a month, we were finally able to grant her request. We started visiting her family and spent time doing Bible studies with them. They had been members of a local Christian church, but they were still thirsty for God’s word; they felt empty. Anita told us, “What our pastor is feeding us is not enough—we are still hungry!”

A year ago, Anita and William lost both a son and a daughter. Their son was drunk and was killed; their daughter committed suicide due to depression. One of their biggest sorrows was that their previous church, including the pastor, showed them no sympathy at the death of their children. Anita asked God a lot of questions about these difficult trials, but she chose to remain faithful to Him. She hopes that one day she will find the answers to all of her “why” questions.

Recently we held a one-week evangelistic crusade. At the end of these meetings, Anita and her remaining children accepted Jesus through baptism. William unfortunately had an emergency meeting the Sabbath of the baptism and was not able to make it; however, he promised to be baptized the next time Pastor Blair visits Aripiaco. When we asked the family about how they felt after their baptism, they replied that they are so glad and feel blessed.

What a momentous event for our church, to see Anita and her family rejoicing together, singing praises to God for their newly found faith!

Anita is now one of our regular attendees at church. We love her energy as well as her voice. Her husband William plays the guitar and piano, and the whole family sings well. Their children have been enjoying our Sabbath School program, learning songs, memory verses, and Bible stories. We are attached to each other like family; we sometimes laugh or cry over trials and pains. Though there are still biblical concepts the family is studying to fully understand, they believe that they are in the right church.


Michael and Maria Cayupan are Bible workers in the Pomaroon region of Guyana, South America.

How You Can Help
Pray for Michael and Maria as they minister to the people in Aripiaco and the other villages in the Pomaroon region. Pray for Anita and William as they begin their new life in Christ. 

Give to the work in Guyana. Funds are needed for boats and Bible workers. Send your gifts marked “Guyana Mission” to: 

Mission Projects International 
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

To give securely online, visit: www.missionspro/donate

Thank you! Through your support we have finished one mission house, built a boat, and hired a Bible worker to assist in Michael and Maria’s ministry.