Total Turnaround
Darío had little interest in spiritual things, but then God used heartbreak to turn things around.
It had been ten years since Darío and Judi were married at her church in Caicedonia, Colombia. Judi was a Seventh-day Adventist and made the 40-minute trip to church every week, but Dario had no interest in spiritual things. Judi had a burden to bring the gospel not only to her husband, but also to their neighbors, so she decided to start a small group Bible study in her home. The Caicedonia church had been looking for ways to expand its influence to other communities, so several of the church members gladly joined Judi’s studies at her home in Samaria twice each week.
Although his heart was not really into it, Darío sometimes participated in the small group studies. More often, he overheard the Bible study from an adjoining room while trying to distract himself with another activity. Many times, Judi and their two children studied alone with a few people from church. Darío often felt annoyed by the presence of the church members.
Several years went by with no change in Darío’s attitude toward the Lord. Meanwhile, big changes were taking place in his family. The enemy of souls stirred up trouble between him and Judi, and they fought a lot. Finally Judi decided that she had had enough. Divorcing Darío, she took their children and moved far away to the big city of Bogotá.
In the midst of Darío’s sad trial, God manifested Himself. Dario’s thoughts began to turn toward the Lord and the gospel truths he had heard during his wife’s Bible studies. Now and then, he visited the church in Caicedonia. As he listened to the messages of hope, the seeds of truth his wife had planted germinated in his heart. He opened up and told his church friends about his loneliness, and they prayed for him and encouraged him. Darío began seeking the Lord with all his heart and studying the Bible with an intense earnestness to know God.
The road from Samaria to Caicedonia can be treacherous after heavy rains, and there is no easy public transport. Sometimes it took an hour to get to church, yet Darío now made the journey every Sabbath to fellowship with other believers. Darío loved to be with them and to hear messages about Jesus. The church became his new family, and their fellowship gave him courage to accept his new reality. At church, he found his soul restored, and he accepted Christ’s healing for his broken heart.

Darío took his time in deciding to be baptized, but once the date was set, he invited all his relatives, friends and neighbors. The church was full that day, and Heaven showered blessings as Darío declared to all that he would follow Christ and renounce the world. Moments after his baptism, the pastor made a call to those present to give their lives to God in baptism as well. Four people asked for prayer and expressed their desire to be baptized within a year. Among the four was Dario’s sister Gloria, who said she wanted to follow the example of her brother in making God the center of her life!
Judi still lives in Bogotá, but Darío hopes to carry on the work she started by reopening the small group study in Samaria. Please pray for our evangelism team as we make plans to resume this project. Pray that God will direct and guide us, and that Jesus’ name will be exalted with a new church in Samaria!
Juvenal Galo is the team leader of the Bible and Evangelism Department at Fundación Las Delicias.
How You Can Help
Pray that Darío will remain faithful to Jesus, and that he can be instrumental in starting a new church in Samaria.
Give to the work in Colombia by sending your donations marked “Colombia Evangelism” to:
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