Blind Leader
Alex grows up without the Bible. What will he do with the new truth he learns?
“Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch?” Luke 6:39. The words resounded in my mind as I listened to the radio preacher. Here I was leading others when I myself had been spiritually blind! In deep conviction, I sank into an ocean of thoughts.
I had been born into a Roman Catholic family, and neither my parents nor I had access to the Bible. All we knew of the Scriptures were the portions we had heard read in church. We had been taught to have implicit confidence in our priest’s leadership, so we believed whatever he said.
I had my first encounter with the Bible in 2019, when a Pentecostal preacher came to our town and preached for a week. As he quoted from the Bible in his messages, I realized that I had missed a lot. I saved money for a month and bought a copy of the Bible in Runyankore, my native language. Now I could read God’s Word for myself!
During the first lockdown of the COVID pandemic, I had the chance to minister to a congregation of 40 believers by visiting them in their homes regularly. Then, at the end of 2021, the leader of our congregation died, and I agreed to take charge.
Even though I was now a church leader, I knew my own Biblical knowledge had room to grow. One evening as I listened to the popular local Adventist radio station, I heard an advertisement for a Bible study series which would be preached on the radio. This awakened in me a deep desire to know more about what the Bible taught. When the series started, I followed along with the studies all the way to the end. I learned many amazing things. When the preacher pointed out the differences between the remnant church of Revelation 12 and the apostate church of Revelation 17, a beam of light shone into my mind. I decided to dig deeper into God’s Word to discover if what I was hearing was correct.
After a long and through investigation of the Scriptures, I made a commitment to be baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Then suddenly I wondered what would happen to the people of my congregation if I made this radical change in my life. As I pondered their fate, wondering if I might be making a mistake, I felt impressed to take my congregation to the Lord in prayer. You have been blind, the thought came as I poured out my heart to Him. Can the blind lead the blind? Now that you can see, invite your people to the light you have discovered.
With new courage, I followed through on my commitment to get baptized and join the community of believers waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ. I am now reaching out to all the members of my old congregation with the new beam of truth that I have discovered. Since my own knowledge of the Word is still growing, I have directed all of my people to listen to the Adventist radio station regularly so that they can get a more thorough explanation of the truth than I can personally give them. I pray that God will open their eyes the way He did for me.
Told by Alex Tumusiime to John Kaganzi, a district pastor in the Ruhandagazi District in Uganda and the manager of Messenger Radio in Mbarara.
How You Can Help
Pray for Alex as he shares the truths that God has revealed to him.
Pray for Pastor John and his team as they continue to preach the Three Angels’ Messages on Messenger FM.
Give to the work in Uganda. Needs include church buildings, Bible worker training and support for church planters. Send your gifts marked “Uganda Evangelism” or “Uganda Churches” to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138
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Thank you. Your gifts sustain seven full-time Bible workers and one full-time evangelist who are bringing God’s last warning to southern Uganda. Thank you so much for your support of these workers!