Bread, Granola, and Bible Studies
Health ministry works!
For years, Las Delicias Foundation in Colombia has had one driving goal: to prepare young people to serve God, and to cooperate with Him in attending to the needs of the communities nearby, presenting the Savior to them in a real and practical way. Under the direction of God and through the efforts of the leaders and the student body, we have worked to fulfill Christ’s commission.
Although we have worked in several nearby communities, Barragán serves as a good example of our methods. This town had no Seventh-day Adventist presence, so after much prayer our team decided to go and reach the people with the Three Angels’ Messages. To start out, a group of students began visiting Barragán every week to conduct surveys designed to reveal the community’s greatest felt needs. The most common requests centered around health issues, so we decided to begin there. The Bible worker team went out door-to-door selling bread, granola and other food items, all the while seeking to assess the community’s needs and to strike up relationships with the people.
It worked! We met many people, and in our visits we were able to share Bible truths along with tips on how to live a healthy life. Quite a few of our contacts agreed to Bible studies!
One of the workers named Anibal, who had come to Colombia from Chile, met a man named Marco one Sunday while selling bread and granola. As they struck up a conversation, this elderly gentleman kindly invited Anibal to come into his home. A wonderful friendship began, and Anibal kept visiting every week with fresh whole grain products. Soon Marco decided to begin Bible studies, and Anibal began visiting more frequently.
When it came time for Anibal to leave Las Delicias and return to Chile, we put on a joint lunch with all of Anibal’s Bible study contacts and introduced them to Galo from Bolivia, who would be replacing Anibal in visiting them to study the Bible. Galo gave Bible studies to Marco for a number of months, and Marco eventually gave his life to the Lord in the waters of baptism. Pastor Nicolás Bedoya performed the ceremony at the Church of Ephesus, but the Las Delicias students carried out all the logistics, including helping Marco to travel from his home to the place of the baptism. That same day a lady named Rubiela, also from Barragán, was baptized as well!
We thank God for the success of the work. Were it not for the persistence of the Holy Spirit and the perseverance that He gave our workers, no one from Barragán could have been won! It was wonderful to see how God used a team, not just one Bible worker, to befriend people and bring souls to Christ. In fact, God used you, as well! Your donations to Mission Projects International have kept this work going. Thank you!
As baptismal gifts, Marco was provided with a giant print Bible and a small audio player to listen to sermons. We also helped him obtain prescription glasses so that he can continue to read and study the Bible on his own. Marco is a testimony in Barragán, the first fruits of the Adventist Church we are planting in his community!
Jaun Pablo Malanga is the Director of Evangelism at Las Delicias Foundation.
How You Can Help
Pray for Brother Marco that God will give him peace in the time he has left on Earth.
Pray for the Bible study students and the Bible worker team in Barragán, that the Lord will lead them to more people who are seeking for truth.
Give to the work in Colombia by sending your donations marked “Colombia Evangelism” or “Colombia Church Planting” to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138
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