Letter from Mike: Uganda – April 2022

“Let the light shine forth farther and still farther, in every place to which it is possible to obtain entrance. Satan will make the work as difficult as possible, but divine power will attend all true-hearted workers. Guided by our heavenly Father’s hand, let us go forward, improving every opportunity to extend the work of God.” Medical Ministry, 325

I want to thank you all for your generous gifts to help support the work in Uganda! Your liberal contributions are supporting eight energetic, evangelism-focused workers, and God has been blessing their efforts to plant churches in areas where there is no Adventist presence. Faithfully they have been carrying God’s last warning message to these areas of need. 

Noah, one of the Bible workers, was assigned a very difficult place to evangelize. He started his house-to-house labor, trying to assess the place he was to plant a new church, but no one wanted to hear what he had to say. There seemed to be no receptive hearts, but Noah continued to believe that God had many people in this place, just as the Lord promised the Apostle Paul about Corinth. Noah continued trying to set up Bible studies, but in vain. At length, he decided to fast and pray as Jesus had told His disciples to do when they could not cast the demon out of the young boy. Perhaps Satan had prejudiced the minds of the people to the message that Noah was trying to bring to them. 

After one week of fasting and prayer, Noah felt confident that God had heard his prayer and was about to answer the petition of his heart. That day when he was going from house to house knocking on people’s doors, a kind lady invited him to come in. Judith became his first Bible study interest. She was just the person to help establish a church in this large village. Judith became so excited about what she was learning that she asked Noah for more of the Bible study guides and began sharing them with all her friends and neighbors. Very shortly, Noah had about 38 people joining group Bible studies every day. After five months of intense studying, addressing each question raised, nearly all of these souls have decided to be baptized. We should never give up in discouragement when we don’t see results from our labors to witness to people!

Please pray for Messenger Radio FM and for Pastor John and the Bible workers as they faithfully deliver the everlasting gospel in Uganda. If you are impressed to support the work in Uganda, mark your gifts “Uganda Bible Workers” or “Uganda Church Planting.” 

Yours in spreading the good news!