The “God” Who Died

When her religious leader passes away, confusion opens Loy’s heart to a relationship with the everlasting God.

He told us that he was God, and that he would never die. He could predict future events, and they would come to pass! Many believed in him. Some even said they had seen him perform miracles. I held onto my doubts for a long while, but when I saw how many followers he had gained—including many of the educated class from as far away as Kenya and Rwanda—my misgivings melted. It seemed easier to believe in a visible god than the invisible one I had worshiped in the Catholic Church. 

When the president of Uganda declared a total lockdown of the economy due to the coronavirus, everything stopped. Congregational worship ceased, including the worship of our god, “O Mukama Ruhanga Ow’obusobozi Desteo Bishaka” (The God Almighty Desteo Bishaka). In fact, Bishaka himself had to stay home just like the rest of us!

I marveled at this dreadful situation—how a microscopic organism had brought even the most powerful people and the greatest nations to their knees. Wealthy nations which we Africans had often run to for relief were themselves helpless against the pandemic. The virus had put life on hold for even the “almighty god” Bishaka! Where was his might if he could not save his followers from this lockdown and this viral scourge?  

A few months down the road, we learned that Bishaka was sick, something we had never heard of since believing in him. Hardly had this news settled when we were told that Bishaka was dead! 

When I heard this, my heart raced and my stomach churned. My god was dead! I felt devastated, disappointed, dejected and defeated. What would become of my spirituality? In despair, I considered going back to the Roman Catholic Church.

One evening as I listened to 88.9 FM, the Voice of Muhabura, I heard an advertisement for an evangelistic event to be conducted by the Seventh-day Adventists. “This coronavirus could be one of the signs of the end, indicating that God’s Kingdom is at hand,” the ad announced. 

Curious to learn what this church would teach, I attended the prophecy seminar and continued on with the interactive Bible studies that followed the conclusion of the meetings. I realized that I had followed a cult—an organization that forbade us from reading the Bible and gave us Bishaka’s Book in its place. Now I fell in love with the Bible, the Word of God. I realized that the solution to all the troubles on Earth is to believe in Jesus Christ who will give us eternal life. I learned that the dreadful wars and pestilences in the world need not bring fear to my heart. Instead, they show that our redemption is very near!

I thank God for giving me the chance to know Him, the everlasting God, before I die. It is amazing to finally have a relationship with Jesus at 80 years of age! Now that I have been baptized and joined God’s final remnant church, I am doing my best to share my new love for Jesus with my friends who, like me, believed in Bishaka, the “god” who died. 

I pray that God will continue to reveal His light to me and my children. As a new member of His family, I am eagerly waiting for the second coming of Jesus!  


Told by Loy Kabami to John Kaganzi, a district pastor in the Ruhandagazi area in Uganda.

How You Can Help
Pray that the Holy Spirit will use Loy to tell others about Jesus and His soon coming. 

Pray for Pastor John as he continues to preach the Three Angels’ Messages on the radio. 

Give to the work in Uganda. Needs include church buildings, Bible worker training and church planter support. Send your gifts marked “Uganda Evangelism” or “Uganda Churches” to: 

Mission Projects International 
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

To give securely online, visit: 

Thank you. Your gifts sustain seven Bible workers in Pastor John’s district who are bringing God’s last warning message to Uganda. Thank you so much for your support!