New Eyes
Amidst the pandemic, a woman with cataracts sees the light of truth.
“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper…This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17.
In our work in Cotabato Province, Philippines, we have experienced many different kinds of challenges. Some people have been willing to listen to God’s Word and accept Jesus into their lives, but some have prejudices. Some people hold fanatical beliefs, and others seem to revel in debate. In our public meetings, drunkards have sometimes come in, trying to divert the audience’s attention so that they will not listen to the Word of God. Satan has used many different evil methods to turn ears and eyes away from God’s Word, but God is more powerful. None of the enemy’s tactics have truly hindered us. Prayer has been our best weapon to defeat him.
In 2020, we faced the biggest hindrance we have had to deal with so far: the coronavirus pandemic. One solemn night, we were packing our things to go to the village of Tupi and preach. I had gathered my team around for prayer, asking God to bring success to our labors. After our prayer, my phone rang. A friend in Tupi was calling to let me know that the village had been put into lockdown due to the pandemic. My wife and I talked about the matter, and she quoted Isaiah 26:20: “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.” We decided that with so many municipalities around us going into lockdown, we had better stay near home for the time being.
Yet, through all of the trials of the pandemic, God has led us to people who are seeking light and truth. Mending was one such person.
Mending had cataracts in both of her eyes, and for the last 15 years she had not been able to see clearly. However, she refused to let her condition hinder her from continuing her daily routine. In spite of her poor eyesight, she contributed to family operations by gathering firewood and cooking the meals.
Since Mending’s village was near our own, we were able to preach there. Mending listened to our messages from her home, but we did not meet her until we went visiting house to house. That’s when she told us that she felt shy to go to our meetings because of her condition. We talked with her about the goodness of God and encouraged her to attend.
After our meetings concluded, Mending decided to take Bible studies with us. Soon she began worshiping with the believers in her village every Sabbath. The church was delighted to discover Mending’s gift for music and her ability to sing and play the guitar. For her part, Mending was happy to dedicate her talent to the Lord, praising Him every Sabbath day.
After many years of dim vision, Mending recently received a miracle from the Lord. Because she is a member of an indigenous tribe, the government offered her free eye surgery. At last, Mending can see her church and her friends, but she is especially happy to see the beautiful nature that God has created. We can only praise God for how He has worked even through this pandemic to give Mending new eyes—both physical and spiritual!
Temtem Piedraverde is a Bible worker in the South Cotabato on Mindanao Island in the Philippines.
How You Can Help
Pray for Mending as she continues to minister to others in music and song.
Pray for the personal evangelistic efforts of Temtem and his wife Yanyan.
Give to help Temtem and Yanyan preach the gospel in the South Cotabato by sending your gift marked “Philippine evangelism” to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138
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