Letter from Mike: Kenya – March 2021

“Wherever an effort is made to raise up a church, thorough and faithful instructions should be given to those who accept the truth. No part of the work should be neglected, and they should not be left to themselves when the laborer goes to a new field, but should still receive care and instruction. Let nothing be left in an incomplete, slipshod manner. Whatever is done should be done with thoroughness. The few who are thus brought into the truth will in time accomplish more than if there is a greater number uneducated, untrained, who do not realize their responsibility, and whose peculiarities are woven into their religious experience. It will be far more difficult to undo that which has been done wrong, and put another mold on the work than to take the work from the very beginning.” Review and Herald, October 5, 1886. 

The pandemic has put a strain on the advancement of the Three Angels’ Messages in many parts of the world, yet lost souls need to be reached now more than ever. Many who have fearful hearts about the future are isolating themselves at home. Countless desperate souls are waiting to have hope brought to their doorstep. Though times have changed, there is still much work to do for the Master! Pastor Bett in Kenya tells me that though conditions are far from normal, there has been an explosion of the work in his area.

In October of last year, I visited Kenya to conduct a training school for the Bible workers and pastors and to lay plans for several new church plants. We hired five seasoned Bible workers to assist the district pastor in planting four new congregations. Pastor Bett and all the Bible workers are daily going out two-by-two, finding people who need the gospel message. Since my visit, we have seen marked growth in all of the targeted areas. Each team of workers has 35 to 40 Bible studies per week. That means more than 100 families are learning about the true gospel of Jesus Christ and His last warning to the earth. To date, 36 people have given their hearts to Christ and have been baptized! 

Since we hired the five Bible workers, they have been working in unentered areas where there are no Adventists. We have nearly completed a new church building in one of those unentered areas. This church is now on fire for the Lord and is sharing God’s love in their area. 

The Bible workers are doing a tremendous job of educating and grounding the new converts in the true gospel message. We would like to help them press the message into more areas where the gospel needs to be preached! Sponsorship for the hard-working Bible workers costs $100 per month. In two areas in particular, new converts are meeting in houses and rented buildings. We would like to bring more permanence to the work by building churches to replace the rented facilities. Although we need to erect several church buildings, each one will cost only $3,000! I pray that you will consider partnering with us to finish God’s work in Kenya.

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