Creative Evangelism
Lockdown challenges inspire a new kind of ministry.
Heavy rain fell that Friday, the day we had planned to go out and do surveys in the nearby village of Rio Verde. Though disappointed by the weather, our hearts still desired to make new friends for Jesus—so we went out despite the rain. God blessed our efforts with eight new Bible study contacts, including the former mayor and his family. The wife, Angela, seemed the most interested, and at every study we could see how she desired to learn more about Jesus. As she learned truth from the Bible, she changed her diet and started keeping the Sabbath. Finally, at the conclusion of an evangelistic campaign, Angela decided to get baptized.
Angela’s baptism encouraged her husband and daughter to also prepare for this step. The apostle Paul’s words are being fulfilled in Angela’s life: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:31. And to think that if we had stayed home because of the rain, we may never have met that family! When the challenges of soul-winning increase, so do the blessings. “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.” Psalm 126:5.
Challenges abounded in 2020 because of the pandemic. Like many of you, we focused mainly on online evangelism. However, we felt that we needed to do something else, so we prayed about it. God brought our attention to a nearby town called Barragán, home to approximately 6,000 people. Barragán had no Adventist presence, and only one Catholic and one Pentecostal church. It had no COVID-19 cases, and the authorities were open to letting us work there. Finally, it was within easy access of our institution, even during the lockdown.
We would have to get creative with our efforts, however. Because of the lockdown, knocking on doors was not allowed except for those involved in food industries—so we decided to become food vendors. We would sell whole grain bread and arepas (corn cakes, a staple here in Colombia) and other natural products every Sunday. It would be a great excuse to make friends!
The Lord has raised up a small group in Barragán!
The plan worked. As two of us went around town selling healthy food, we gained some clients and some future study contacts, and we became well known in the community. When the lockdown was lifted, we took ten more missionaries with us and conducted surveys across almost the entire town. From that effort, we made 34 contacts that we are following up with through health talks, Bible studies and children’s programs.
Through the sale of our food products and the surveys, the Lord has enabled us to meet people’s needs in this town with no Adventist presence. The people seem very open and unbiased about religion. As of now, the Lord has raised up a small group in Barragán, with five children and three adults attending. Every week, we visit them to share songs, Bible studies, spiritual counseling, prayer and the breaking of bread. We praise the Lord for allowing us to cooperate in this great work that He has begun, and we know that He himself will finish it!
Daniel Miranda is the chair of the Bible and Evangelism Department at Fundación Las Delicias.
How You Can Help
Pray for Angela and her family in their new walk with Christ.
Pray for the contacts and the team working in Barragán, that the Lord will raise up a faithful church in this town.
Give to the work in Colombia by sending your donations marked “Colombia Evangelism” or “Colombia Church Planting” to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138
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