From Ridiculed to Respected

An Adventist congregation earns a community’s respect.

The congregation of believers at Akashanda Mission were familiar with the process of keeping courage in the face of challenges. However, being the recipient of ridicule was hurtful and discouraging at times.

We had no designated building to worship in. We were branded “insane” and “fanatics of faith” for joining a church without walls or a definite address. The surrounding community was suspicious of us and the unstable nature of our worship location, for we were mobile each Sabbath. We worshipped in different homes until our numbers outgrew the limited space, and then we didn’t know what to do. An evangelistic series in November made our membership even larger, and we felt an urgent need to build a church for worship.

Our members managed to raise six hundred dollars, but it was not enough for the cost of land to build a church on. We prayed for divine help, and God answered our prayers through the ministry of Mission Projects International. We received the rest of the funds needed from them and finally secured a piece of property!

God is faithful and He is always on time. We used our surplus funds to construct a temporary shelter for worship each Sabbath until a permanent building could be constructed. As I looked at the shelter, I saw a ray of hope—hope to win more souls to Christ now that community prejudice was removed. This blessing was a great encouragement to our members, and changed the mindset of those who ridiculed us.

“You are not a large church, and you don’t seem to be rich. How did you manage to get land and a meeting place like this?” Augustine, a lame man in our neighborhood asked me one day.

“There is a God in heaven,” I replied. “He is the One Who provides for us. He can be there for you too, if you believe in Him.”

We look forward to a future where the community can be invited to a new church building with a solid roof and plenty of space for chairs. With God’s help, we will make the estimated 10,000 bricks the building will require, and trust Him to supply the rest of the materials.

The congregation here covets your prayers. We have set a goal of seeing more than 100 souls won to Christ before this year ends. Our dream is to see the newly planted church growing and influencing the community to believe in Jesus, and separate from sin.


Patrick Kafobeero is a lay pastor in the district of Ruhandagazi area in Uganda.

How You Can Help
Pray for all the various ministries in Uganda and that all the workers will stay faithful to the truth.

Pray for the evangelistic efforts in the Ruhandagazi. Pray for Patrick as he proclaims the soon coming of Jesus.  

The work in Uganda is growing rapidly and needs your help! If you feel impressed by the Holy Spirit to contribute to spreading the ‘Three Angels Messages,’ mark your donations “Uganda,” and send to:

Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

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