Sabbath in Buremba
Sabbath in Buremba
A special event draws truth-seekers in Uganda.
Our country saw a period of heavy rain from September through December of last year, sometimes lasting from morning to sunset each day. As our local church spent the month of November preparing for a special visitor’s Sabbath for the surrounding community, we feared that the rain would put a damper on attendance. Everyone prayed that the Lord would hold back the rain.
We rented a school compound to hold the special service in, as our church building was still unfinished. Each member was expected to invite a guest. God answered our prayers—it did not rain from morning to sunset on the scheduled day. And surprisingly, 210 visitors flooded the meeting place, outnumbering the Adventist members! Some visitors were Catholic, while others were Anglican, Muslim or Pentecostal.
Pastor Emmanuel Nsenga spoke for the program, reminding listeners of Jesus’ soon coming. He walked us through the Bible’s pages, tying the book of Daniel together with Matthew 24 in relation to current events. The truth seemed to impress itself on hearts, and when Nsenga made a call for a commitment to follow Jesus in baptism, many of the visitors came forward.
A Muslim man and his wife were among the various people who responded to the altar call. Mr. Asuman and I were personal friends, and he approached me after the service purposefully.
“What did you think about our church today?” I asked him after exchanging courteous greetings.
“It’s a very hospitable church of God,” he nodded. “The right religion. You also live by what you teach—something uncommon among many faiths.”
“I am so happy to hear this,” I responded. “I also noticed that you and your wife responded to Pastor Emmanuel’s altar call earlier.”
Mr. Asuman nodded. “I am more than serious about my commitment to follow Jesus, Pastor James, and this is the reason I am here to see you. I want to know how I can learn more about your beliefs.”
“Our Bible study group meets every Tuesday under a tree, behind the construction site of our new church building,” I explained. “You and your wife are welcome to join us.”
My Muslim friend sounded eager in his reply. “Just give me a time and I will be at your Bible class with my family.”
As I prayed with Mr. Asuman and accepted a cup of something warm to drink from my wife, I looked back over the successful community day with joy. God had stopped the torrential rains, and sent a multitude of seekers to hear Bible truth for the first time.
James Musinguzi is a retired pastor who is still active in evangelism and church planting.
How You Can Help
Pray for Mr. Asuman’s Bible studies with Pastor James as he transitions out of the Muslim religion.
Donate through Mission Projects International. Needs include new church buildings and training for church planter support. Send your check with “Uganda Churches” or “Uganda Workers” in the memo to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138