Letter from Mike: Kenya – March 2020
“The Holy Spirit is an effective helper in restoring the image of God in the human soul, but its efficiency and power have not been appreciated in our schools. It came into the schools of the prophets, bringing even the thoughts into harmony with the will of God. There was a living connection between heaven and these schools; and the joy and thanksgiving of loving hearts found expression in songs of praise in which angels joined.” Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 67.
It was in 2008 that Pastor Daniel Bett started a school in rural Kenya. After graduating from the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, he had earnestly desired to start a Seventh-day Adventist school founded on the principles in the book Education. He did not know how the school would succeed without significant financial support. Still, Daniel was convicted by the Holy Spirit that he needed to move forward with or without support.
Grasping by faith the promises of God, Daniel launched the Kingsway Preparatory School with one teacher and seven students. The buildings needed repairs, but with an abundance of effort, they soon looked presentable. The tuition collected barely covered the expenses of the schoolteacher. Despite all the challenges, however, this school became a shining light in the communities all around it.
As a pastor and educator, Daniel has synthesized physical education, mental learning, and, most importantly, spiritual instruction in his school. The Bible is the central pillar of his curriculum. The Spirit of Prophecy is his guide and counselor in leading young children to accept Christ and to then communicate the gospel to others. The academic standards are high, and Daniel is dedicated to meeting the spiritual needs of the students, the staff, and the community. The children are involved in Bible studies, preaching, singing groups, Pathfinder clubs, and Sabbath School programs—programs that Daniel believes give the highest form of education to our children and youth.
Mary joined Kingsway Preparatory School in grade two. When her parents enrolled her in classes, they did not realize that this would change their lives forever. Neither the parents nor Mary had ever heard of a Seventh-day Adventist, yet every day Mary learned from the Bible about the God who loved her. She attended Bible classes and learned how to pray and sing. Her parents noticed that Mary was becoming more cheerful and obedient around the home. When she reached the sixth grade, God really transformed Mary’s young heart, as she was now able to read the Bible for herself and examine the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
At home, Mary asked her parents to start praying and giving thanks to God before they ate their food. The family started having morning worship to begin the day, and Mary started attending Sabbath School every week. One day, Mary sat down with her parents to have a serious discussion about keeping the Sabbath. The Holy Spirit broke through their prejudices and fears, and they attended church on the Sabbath for the first time. The seed sown in Mary’s heart at school had at last germinated and started bearing fruit. Today, all of Mary’s family attends church on Sabbath, and they are sharing the Three Angels’ Messages in their community.
If you would like to contribute to educational evangelism in Kenya, please mark your gifts “Kenya evangelism.”
Yours in educating for eternity!