Letter from Mike: Congo – June 2019
“In many churches, there are families who might move to places in need of the ministry they are capable of giving. God calls for families to go to the dark places of earth and work wisely for those who are enshrouded in spiritual gloom. This requires self-sacrifice. While many wait to have every obstacle removed, souls are dying, without hope and without God. For worldly advantage, or to acquire scientific knowledge, men endure hardship and privation. Where are those willing to do as much for the sake of telling others of the Saviour?” From Splendor to Shadow, 91.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, many workers and their families are willing to move into the dark areas of their country. When I traveled to the DR Congo in May, we passed through numerous towns and villages where no religions have entered. Many people we met along the way had never seen a Bible or heard the gospel story of Jesus and His love. We aim to reach the unreached in Congo.
Prisque and his wife Ibasue heard the voice of the Lord calling them into the dark and superstitious areas of their country. After attending the training school for Bible workers, they expressed their willingness to go wherever God opened the doors. Being called to an isolated area would mean having to endure many hardships. Food is unusually scarce out in the remote regions of Western Congo. Transportation is virtually non-existent. They knew they would be cut off from access to any medical care. Despite the difficulties, Prisque and Ibasue were more than willing to serve many villages and work as missionaries in this remote area. In the past few months, they have established a thriving church. Prisque is using the knowledge he learned at the training school to educate the church members to go out into the villages to tell others about Jesus’ coming. Through the power of the Holy Spirit along with Prisque and Ibasue’s love for truth and their dynamic leadership, a revival has begun. As a team, they are working to win many souls through sharing the health message and preaching the Three Angels’ Messages. When I arrived in the isolated village where they live and met with Prisque and Ibasue, I was very impressed with the work they have accomplished. They have more than forty active Bible studies each week, and many of these contacts are preparing for baptism. The congregation has built a very simple bush church to meet in every Sabbath temporarily, but they are hoping soon to establish a more permanent structure, since the chief has given a piece of land to build a church.
Through your donations, we are building a permanent church structure for this new and growing congregation. Right now, out of the scores of new churches that have been established in the past year and a half in the Bandundu region, only one has a stable structure. This month I would like to ask especially for your prayers on behalf of this spiritually dark part of Congo. We want to build many churches in this area in the next two years. If you would like to be a part of this significant project, please mark your donation, “Congo Churches.”
Yours in reaching the unreached!