Total Transformation
Total Transformation
A young woman’s family didn’t believe she could change—but the church persevered.
Challenging neighborhoods surround the Central Adventist Church in Armenia, Quindio, Colombia, with drug use common. Still, week to week the members go and search for hearts that are open to the gospel. One Sabbath afternoon as we went out to give Bible studies, a church member happened to meet a former neighbor of hers. The neighbor said she believed her daughter Helen was demon possessed and asked if we could help.
We found the house, and a young woman greeted us—the very person we were looking for. Helen accepted our invitation to study the Bible, but from inside the house, family members screamed obscenities. “Oh yes, she needs Bible studies,” they cackled, “but good luck: she’s got demons.”
The next week when our outreach group met up, we asked who would go and study with Helen. Some were afraid, but Martha and Argenis stepped up to the challenge, saying, “If God be for us, who can be against us? We will go.” Grateful for their courage, I agreed to accompany them. Bowing our heads, we prayed for protection and asked the Lord to work on Helen’s heart.
Soon Martha, Argenis, Helen and I settled in the living room to begin our first Bible study. Helen’s family sat in the other room. Everything seemed normal at first. Then, as we looked up texts, Helen’s eyes started to roll back and forth wildly. Even stranger, the family began screaming obscenities at each other and at Helen.
The shouting continued as Helen recovered, but we pressed on with the study despite it. Helen seemed genuinely interested, but we knew she had a major battle to fight against the enemy of souls. I was glad we had several in our group so that we could pray for Helen, her family and each other all throughout the study.
At the study’s conclusion, we returned to the church shaken but prayerful. Sharing our testimony, we asked for prayer. All that week we interceded for Helen.
The following Sabbath, I asked Martha and Argenis if they were still up for studying with Helen. They smiled bravely and said, “Yes.” Baboloki, an intern from Las Delicias, also tagged along. Nothing strange happened, and Helen showed such great interest and enthusiasm that Baboloki invited her back to the church for a Bible class and youth program. Stepping into the Adventist church for the first time, Helen listened carefully and asked for help looking up the Bible texts. Her face beamed with peace and love.
The next Sabbath after her Bible study, Helen asked to tag along with us to hear our Bible studies with our other contacts. Once again, she came for the afternoon Bible class and Adventist Youth program. Then she asked when else the church has meetings.
Beginning that day, Helen has faithfully attended the Sabbath morning and Wednesday evening services. Two months later, she was baptized and became a very active church member. She gives Bible studies herself, shares during Sabbath School and sometimes leads out in the Adventist Youth programs.
If you met Helen today, you would never guess that she once had demons. The power of prayer and constant intercession made the difference for her. She been freed from the chains of the enemy and now beams hope to her family and community. Please partner with us in praying for Helen and the others reaching out in this community. Pray that we will reach many souls like her with the Three Angels’ Messages!
Daniel and Kelly Miranda are volunteers at Fundación Las Delicias, a self-supporting ministry equipping youth for ministry in Bible work, health, and agriculture.
How You Can Help
Pray that God will continue to keep Helen faithful. Pray for those with whom she and others are studying the Bible.
Give. If you have a desire in your heart to help Bible workers reach more people in Colombia, send your donations marked “Colombia Evangelism” to:
Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138