Jesus Still Visiting Villages

Jesus Still Visiting Villages

A woman’s simple faith leads her to learn more about Jesus.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is the largest French-speaking country in the world; the estimated population was over 85 million in 2015. Over 87 percent of Congolese live on less than $1 a day. Many families are poverty stricken and cannot afford to eat a well-balanced diet. They do not have access to good health care and are compelled by circumstances to purchase medications on the streets without prescriptions or even a diagnosis. Others turn to traditional healers or witchcraft practices for solutions to their health problems.

Seeing the need, Train Them 2 Fish has aspired to reach people through health ministry, using free medical programs to impact communities. This has become a powerful way to share God’s love in poor areas where the Congolese are unable to afford or access medical care.

“The truth expressed in living, unselfish deeds is the strongest argument for Christianity… The knowledge of the art of relieving suffering humanity is the opening of doors without number, where the truth can find a lodgment in the heart, and souls be saved unto life – eternal life.” Counsels on Health, 537.

Once a month, Train Them 2 Fish sends a medical team and several Bible workers to a new community for medical outreach, generally lasting two to six days. During the outreach, people gather every morning to hear a devotional, and then see about getting their medical needs met. The various areas of health needs are often in gynecology, pediatrics, general medicine, eye and dental care. Our workers discuss disease prevention and the importance of proper hygiene. They often provide treatment for malaria. Two new congregations have been planted in the Kinshasa area as a result of this work.

Kimvula village is located in a rural area west of Kinshasa, the capital city of Congo. Train Them 2 Fish organized four days of medical evangelism there, and during that time, an 87-year-old woman named Fideli attended the clinic. She had never been to a Christian church, but she had been told before about a good man named Jesus. She heard that He traveled from village to village with His disciples to heal the sick for free. “I’ll wait for this Jesus to visit my community and heal me,” Fideli decided. “I don’t have the money to go to the hospital for treatment.”

One day, Fideli’s daughter came home with flyers advertising that a group of people were coming to their Kimvula community to offer free medical services.

“Do these people pray?” Fideli asked her daughter.

“Yes, they do,” her daughter nodded.

“This should be that man Jesus coming to our community,” Fideli announced. “I have been waiting for Him. I must go and see Jesus.”

Fideli was born and raised in a traditional African religion. She had no idea what Jesus would look like, but she knew that Train Them 2 Fish matched the only description of Christ that she knew—healing the sick and praying for people.

When she arrived at the medical outreach clinic for the first time, she noticed a member of the team speaking to a group of people and praying. In time, he directed her to the physicians, and the elderly woman was kindly welcomed inside.

Fideli received treatment for her medical condition the first day, but she felt drawn to the place as the clinic continued. Every morning, she arrived to hear prayer and the Word of God being spoken. As the program drew to a close, Fideli ambled up to the preacher with a question. “Where is Jesus? I want to see Him.”

“Jesus is in heaven, Mamma,” the man smiled kindly. “He went to prepare a place for you up there. He sent us here to do His work and help prepare people to meet Him when He comes back to take us to heaven. There will be no sickness, no suffering, no poverty and no death there.”

“What can I do to be prepared to be taken up to heaven with Jesus?” she asked.

“Give your life to Jesus, listen to His Word, and be baptized,” the pastor said.

“I will,” came her simple reply.

Fideli was baptized the following Sabbath, together with 18 others. Two weeks later, she passed away in the blessed hope of the second coming.

Location: Democratic Republic of Congo

Author: Pastor Thomas Ongasa works in the country of Democratic Republic of Congo. Pastor Ongasa was formerly the president of the local conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He believed that God was calling him to start a training school to equip young people to spread the gospel in his country.

How You Can Help

Pray for the work Pastor Ongasa and his team of workers are doing in the DRC. Pray for the health work that is being conducted.

Donate. If you would to help with the work of saving souls in this spiritually dark country, mark your donation “Congo Workers,” and send to:

Mission Projects International
PO Box 151
Inchelium, WA 99138

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