


A young girl is in need of daily treatments for her disabling condition.

Ariana is a sweet little girl who lives in Honduras. Sadly, although she is six years old, she is unable to walk. That’s because Ariana was born with hydrocephalus, a condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid builds up inside the skull, putting pressure on the brain.

Cerebrospinal fluid is normal and necessary when it flows freely through the brain and spinal column. However, when the flow is obstructed or too much fluid is produced, the extra pressure can cause brain damage, resulting in physical and cognitive disabilities. The condition is particularly severe in children who are born with hydrocephalus. Still, surgery and extensive therapy can help mitigate the symptoms and restore quality of life to the sufferers.

Since Ariana was born with hydrocephalus, she has intensive treatment needs. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment is too expensive for her poverty-stricken family. Once or twice a year, she receives a grant from a city-wide fundraiser for children with disabilities; but because the funds are divided between many needy children, the actual sum each child receives amounts to very little. Ariana receives therapy once or twice a week when her family can afford to pay, but she really needs daily treatments if she is ever to gain full recovery of her motor skills and brain function. She tries so hard to walk, but the limited therapy she receives is not enough for her to make significant progress.

This is where Maranatha Relief Organization comes in. The purpose of this ministry organization is to reach out to the forgotten poor and minister to their needs, providing health care and education and helping them to know about a God who loves and cares for them. We believe with all our hearts that as Christ’s followers, we “have been redeemed for service. Our Lord teaches that the true object of life is ministry. . . . Not more surely is the place prepared for us in the heavenly mansions than is the special place designated on earth where we are to work for God.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 326, 327. We praise God that over the years, through the love, prayers and gifts of our supporters, this ministry has been able to help many people in need!

Maranatha Relief Organization (MRO) does not ask for financial assistance often—only when we see a dire need. Ariana is one of those cases. Her family can barely provide for themselves, let alone provide for Ariana to receive adequate medical treatments. Yet her medical problem is urgent.

Will providing financial assistance for Ariana’s treatment enable her to recover from her devastating condition? We believe so. While the doctors can give no absolute guarantee, it is actually very likely that if she receives help in time, she will be able to live a relatively normal life. If the Holy Spirit moves upon your heart to help Ariana, please do. Every day that passes without her receiving treatment is a day hindering her recovery. I pray that one day soon, Ariana will be able to walk, go to school and church, and read her Bible!

“I was an hungred,” Christ says, “and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in: . . . I was sick, and ye visited me.” Matthew 25:35, 36. Will you help this precious little one in need? 

Location: Honduras

Author: Joseph Willis is the director for Maranatha Relief Organization. They help provide medical help for the poor and the outcast in Honduras.

How You Can Help

Pray for Ariana daily! It is earnest, fervent prayer that moves the hand of God.

Donate. All funds which MRO receives in Ariana’s behalf will be turned over to our missionary contacts in Honduras, and payments will be made directly to the hospital and clinic which provide her care. Contributions can be sent via PayPal to, or mailed to:

Maranatha Relief Organization
12433 Dessau Rd. #4109
Austin, Texas 78754

Thank you. MRO thanks you in advance for your prayers and support!