11/18/2017: Sharing the Message as a Family
Sharing the Message as a Family
A family of six braves mud and motorcycles to share the gospel in Congo.
Early this year our family of six took a trip to Kindu, about 600 kilometers (372 miles) south of our mission station, for the opening of the Seventh-day Adventist center of influence Congo Frontline Missions had helped to build. Along the way, we visited and encouraged the church planters.
We traveled four days to get to Kindu, starting out in our Land Cruiser on the worst roads I had ever seen in my life. The holes became deep enough to swallow up our truck. As the mud splashed up over the hood, our children squealed with delight. They knew Daddy could get through anything!
In the worst mud hole, two big trucks obstructed our way, stuck in the middle of the road. We tried to pass on the side but sank so deep that I could not open my passenger door. I took all the kids out through the driver’s side, and we watched from a distance as Keith attached the winch to a clump of bamboo. With each advancing foot, the Land Cruiser came forward and then sank back toward the wall of mud. We did finally get the Land Cruiser out and went on our bumpy way!
On the second day we left our vehicle at a church planter’s house and took three motorcycles for four adults, four kids and our luggage. As we passed village after village, I wondered how many still had never heard the message of hope in Jesus. We crossed countless log bridges and drove through streams. Often the jungle closed in around our narrow trail.
Halfway through the second day on the motorcycle, Caleb went to sleep with his head in my hands, while Talitha slept in a baby carrier on my chest. Our driver wasn’t going fast, but the tires slipped into a rut and we went down. I jumped up and picked the motorcycle off of Caleb’s leg. He had only one tiny scratch! Talitha was just fine as well. I later realized I had broken a rib, but that was the extent of our injuries. Praise God!
At last, we made it to Kindu. What joy to see the new mission office with classrooms for community education and Bible instruction! The center also houses a medical and dental clinic, where the doctors and nurses will follow Jesus’ example of bringing healing to the community.
While we stayed in Kindu, Keith traveled to see all the church planters in the outlying areas. He traveled over 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) with our area coordinator.
When Keith got back from his trip all the kids ran out to meet him yelling, “Daddy’s back! Daddy’s back!” It was so good to see each other once again! Someday we will all get to be reunited with our heavenly Father, as well. My kids say over and over again, “Oh, I cannot wait to see Jesus coming in the clouds.” This is my children’s greatest desire in life and they talk about it with great excitement.
I hope this is your greatest desire in life, too—one that consumes all others. I cannot wait for the reunion in Heaven, never to part again. Let us keep preaching the Three Angels’ Messages and never lose sight of the work we have been called to!
Tammy Mosier
Tammy is a missionary in Congo, together with her husband Keith and their four children. congofrontlinemissions.org
Pray for the Mosier family as they allow God to use them to bring the gospel to the people of Congo.
Donate to Congo Frontline Missions. Needs include: training church planters, new church buildings, treating dental patients, Bibles, bicycles for gospel workers and church planter support. Send your check, with “Congo Frontline Missions” as the memo to:
Outpost Center International, 5132 Layton Lane, Apison, TN 37302
For online options, visit: congofrontlinemissions.org