Letter from Cody: Transitions – May 2017
God has given us a work to do! “In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers. To them has been entrusted the last warning for a perishing world. On them is shining wonderful light from the word of God. They have been given a work of the most solemn import—the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels’ messages. There is no other work of so great importance. They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention.” Testimonies, vol. 9, 19. God has given us a work and mission to accomplish! No other work matters so much as giving this message to the world. Nothing should divert our attention from the work of proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages to a lost world. Do we recognize the importance of this work? Are we doing all in our power to give this message to the lost world?
This is what Mission Projects International has always been about—doing evangelism and proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages both here in the United States and around the world. The Lord has blessed these efforts, and we are so thankful for His blessing. This month I would like to share with you some of the transitions that are taking place here at Mission Projects International. One thing that is not changing, though, is our mission of giving these messages to the world. After much thought and prayer, I concluded that the Lord was calling me back into pastoral-evangelistic ministry. As I was praying for the Lord’s guidance, I received a call to pastoral ministry in Michigan Conference. My wife and I believe that the Lord is leading us in this stage of our ministry, and we are looking forward to serving the churches and community there. We know that the Lord has many precious souls in this area that need the Three Angels’ Messages and we ask for your prayers as we follow the Lord’s guidance to minister in this new area. Since this will be a full time ministry position, I will no longer be able to be the Director of Mission Projects International. Mike Bauler, who has served as our mission coordinator for the past ten years, has accepted to become the Director. Mike has been involved in many evangelistic and mission projects and we believe that his leadership will give new momentum to the ministry. I love and believe in the work of this ministry and will continue to be involved, but it will be in a more limited role because of my new responsibilities. We look forward to how God is going to continue to use Mission Projects International in sharing God’s last day message to a perishing world!
Another prayerful decision that Mission Projects International’s board of directors has recently made is to no longer receive donations designated as “tithe” from Seventh-day Adventist church members. Mission Projects International has never solicited tithe nor has it even publicly discussed the issue. Our mission has always been evangelism and strengthening the local workers on the ground in the mission fields. We believe that in order to remove prejudice that can hinder God’s work that it is now wisest for us to clarify our position on this issue. “You ask if I will accept tithe from you and use it in the cause of God where most needed. In reply, I will say that I shall not refuse to do this, but at the same time I will tell you that there is a better way. It is better to put confidence in the ministers of the conference where you live, and in the officers of the church where you worship. Draw nigh to your brethren.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 12, 271. We appreciate your support and your prayers that have enabled God to use this ministry to touch the lives of hundreds and thousands around the world. Thousands have heard this message, hundreds of workers have been assisted, dozens of churches have been built and innumerable lives have been touched. We thank you so much for your support, and we continue to request your prayers and support during this time of transition. We know that God is leading and working and that He will continue to use this little ministry for the advancement of His work!
Yours in proclaiming the Three Angels’ Messages to the world,