Letter from Cody: Year in Review – December 2016
I am so thankful that we have been “called to liberty.” Galatians 5:13. We are not called to bondage, but to the glorious liberty which Christ promises. Not only are we called to liberty, but we are exhorted to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1. What is this liberty to which we are called, and how do we stand fast in it? This liberty certainly is not the freedom that the world offers, which only leads us back to bondage. It is a liberty so much higher than this. “When one surrenders to Christ, the mind is brought under the control of the law; but it is the royal law, which proclaims liberty to every captive. By becoming one with Christ, man is made free. Subjection to the will of Christ means restoration to perfect manhood. Obedience to God is liberty from the thralldom of sin, deliverance from human passion and impulse.” Ministry of Healing, 131. By surrendering ourselves fully to Christ, we are made truly free—free by obedience to the law of liberty! When we have this experience of freedom in Christ, we are called to proclaim this freedom to the captives of this world.
As I look back over the past year, my heart flows out in praise to our God for what He is doing through faithful workers proclaiming true liberty around the world, and I am thankful to be a small part of His work through them. I think of how the Lord used the Orellana family to quickly give disaster relief after the devastating earthquake in Ecuador. As they ministered to people’s immediate needs, the way opened to share the gospel, as well. There is Deborah in Senegal using medical missionary work as an entering wedge to share Jesus’ love in this Islamic country. In the Dominican Republic, Nellie bakes bread for people to teach the blessings of healthful living while also sharing the bread of life with a neglected Haitian village. I think of the hundreds of children being touched by the educational ministry of the De Senna family in the
Brazilian Amazon, and of the tens of thousands hearing the message in São Paulo, Brazil through Alexandre’s radio ministry. I think of the dozens of gospel workers in Ethiopia whom I worked with this year. It was thrilling to see the new churches raised up by their labors and meet the men, women and children now rejoicing in the hope of salvation because of the workers’ faithful efforts. I think of the ongoing work in the Philippines through Nanding, Titing, Temtem and others who are sharing the message of Jesus’ soon return with the remote villages in the Philippines. I think of the work of Golden in Malawi as he goes into the neglected Muslim areas and raises up churches for the Master. It is amazing to hear the reports of hundreds being baptized through his labors! I think of how the Lord continues to bless the brothers and sisters in Togo and Congo as they share the message and raise new beacons of light for Him.
As I reflect on the dozens of workers around the world being supported through your donations, as I remember how many evangelistic series you have helped to support, as I consider the medical missionary work that is preparing hearts to receive the gospel, as I recount the baptisms that have resulted from these efforts, as I think of the churches that are now rejoicing for a roof over their heads as they worship our Creator—I praise God for what He is doing and I thank you for your prayers and support that have made all these efforts possible. As I look back over the last year, I give thanks to God for how He is working and for how you have partnered with us in this work. Thank you so much for your help! Without your support, none of this could have taken place! May the Lord continue to advance His work throughout the world and may we soon be at home with Him!
Yours in giving the message to the world,