Philippines: Pastor Temtem – March 2016
Exciting things are happening in Lamcanedang, here on Mindinao Island in the Philippines. With the help of Brothers Jun and Edgar, I have been doing house to house Bible studies to continue working the ground here. Through God’s help, who blessed our work, there are now five new adults keeping Sabbath with us at the Lamcanedang Church: Sister Ugca, Sister Tuan, Brother and sister Manigding, and Brother Christopher. They are from the Baptist Church. This is a wonderful addition to our little congregation of 13 members!
On a recent Sabbath, we held a joint worship service between three of our area congregations. One of the sisters who for a long time has been worshipping on Sabbath in the Lamcanedang Church at last decided to be baptized. It was a truly high Sabbath! The pictures show the joint fellowship and the baptism.
Please pray our work in the area of Banga in South Cotabato. A Roman Catholic chapel recently invited us to have a comparative study with them. We do not know how God will lead, but we do know that we need His Spirit and His guidance.
God bless and thank you!
Pastor Temtem, MPI Bible Worker