Letter from Cody: Year in Review – Dec. 2013
We have just passed the time of year when our country recognizes, at least in some degree, our need to give thanks. For some reason, it is so much easier for us to complain rather than give thanks. We complain about how hot or cold it is, about how busy we are, about our aches or pains, etc. Repeatedly the Bible calls us, not to complain, but to give thanks. God’s heart cry is for us to give thanks to Him more. “Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.” Psalm 107:8. Not only are we to give thanks, but we are to do so continually. “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” Hebrews 13:15. How true are the words spoken of us complainers, “We do not pray any too much, but we are too sparing of giving thanks. We are the constant recipients of God’s mercies, and yet how little gratitude we express, how little we praise Him for what He has done for us.” Steps to Christ, 102. We need to have a time of thanksgiving not once a year but every day! “Now please let you and me have a thanksgiving service every day.” Selected Messages, vol. 2, 148. May we learn to truly and continually in every situation, “give thanks unto to the Lord, for He is good!”
As I look back over the past year and how He has blessed Mission Projects International, I can truly give thanks to the Lord for what He has done and continues to do. I praise the Lord for the faithful laborers that He has around the world that we are able to work with and help in sharing the everlasting gospel in their mission field. In Brazil, the De Senna family is ministering to children in the Amazon rainforest and finding keys to the hearts of the entire family. Clayton and Priscilla are using the entering wedge of health ministry to bring the full three angels’ message to those in need. Alexandre and Olimpia are proclaiming the final message for this hour over the airwaves and reaching the radios of thousands of listeners throughout São Paulo. On the other side of the Andean divide of South America, the Orellana family is serving the Master in their Ecuadorian country outpost, educating the young people that come for training, and serving those in their community. In Panama, the Acosta family continues to minister through health ministry, agriculture, children’s ministry, music ministry, Bible studies and more. In the Dominican Republic, the Lord is blessing the work of Nelly Severino as she does Bible work and welfare ministry. Over in the Philippines, there are many workers who are doing their part to share the message with others. Nanding continues to travel throughout Mindanao doing evangelism, leading entire churches into the message and pointing lost souls to an uplifted Savior. Titing continues to educate future missionaries in the mission training school and through personal work prepare people to take a stand for Jesus through baptism. In Africa, the Lord’s kingdom is continually enlarging, as well. In Congo, Kasongo continues penetrating new areas, taking on new projects for the glory of our Lord. With around fifty schools in different localities and over fifty church plants with dozens of gospel workers laboring in these areas, it seems like that would be more than enough, but he has taken on even more. Seeing the need of AIDS orphans, an orphanage has been started and built and now these destitute and forsaken children have hope for the future! In Togo, the workers continue to spread the printed page, follow it up with Bible studies and establish new churches in out-of-way villages. Then in Ethiopia, faithful workers are entering unentered areas to raise memorials for the Master. As I think of each of these faithful workers and many more around the world, all I can do is give thanks to our Lord. Then here in the United States, men and women are making decisions for the Master, too. Through these and other dedicated workers, thousands of Bible studies have been given, hundreds have come to evangelistic meetings, churches have been built, Bibles distributed, Spirit of Prophecy books printed, the destitute have been helped, children have been lifted from despair and hundreds have been baptized into this message we hold so dear. Praise God for what He is doing! We also thank you for all your prayers and support that makes each of these projects possible. Without your partnership, these workers could not be working and these hundreds and thousands of lives could not have been touched. May next year add even more souls to the kingdom and more workers for the Master!
Yours in giving thanks to our God for what He is doing,