Letter from Cody: Togo – July 2015
Some times it is hard to understand why some things happen—things happen in this world that simply do not make any sense to us. Many times when these inexplicable events occur, we are tempted to ask, why? It is at times like these, that our trust must grow stronger in our great God who knows what is best for us. It was this sentiment that Job proclaimed: “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” Job 13:15. During these dark times, we must never forget the tender love and care of our Heavenly Father. “The dealing of the heavenly Father may seem dark and mysterious and unexplainable; nevertheless we are to trust in Him.” “When all things seem dark and unexplainable, remember the words of Christ, ‘What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.’ John 13:7.” In Heavenly Places, 74; Gospel Workers, 476. When the way seems the darkest, our faith can then grow the strongest. Even if the way never becomes clear to us, we can rest in the promise that eventually every dark providence will be illuminated. “There Jesus will lead us beside the living stream flowing from the throne of God and will explain to us the dark providences through which on this earth He brought us in order to perfect our characters.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 254. May we learn to trust in the One who loves us more than we can ever know both in the shadows and in the sunlight!
One recent “dark providence” that our brethren in Togo are dealing with is the untimely death of one of the faithful workers there. Around five years ago, Timothy began working the city of Sotouboua in central Togo. When Timothy began working for the Lord, he was a farmer by day and preacher by night. Because of His love for the Lord, he shared the message of Jesus with many within the city, giving them Bible studies and leading them to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior. Through his work, he became known as one who went about doing good and ministering to the people. As he shared with those in the community, he was privileged to raise up a church in his city and lead over forty people to the waters of baptism through his faithful witness. His burden did not cease with those around him, though. He was an earnest worker wherever he could find those interested in spiritual things. One of the villages in which he was working was over twenty miles away, but that did not stop him from walking there at least once a week to share the message of salvation with hungry souls. Timothy was a tireless worker for the Lord—giving Bible studies, visiting the sick, praying with the discouraged and ministering to those in need. While in our human wisdom it seems like God’s work needed this indefatigable worker, sometimes God allows “dark providences.” Timothy’s mother became very sick and was hospitalized in one of the larger cities. When Timothy heard how ill his mother was, he desired to go visit her to see how he could minister to her in her illness. There was only one problem; Timothy did not have very much money. So he took the cheapest transportation he could—the back of a motorcycle. As the motorcycle was nearing his destination, a large truck passed another vehicle and collided with the motorcycle, killing Timothy instantly. We cannot understand it, but we trust that the Lord is in control and that His work will go forward. May we uphold Timothy’s wife and two small children in prayer, along with his co-workers, as they move forward to carry on Timothy’s legacy of soulwinning. May we also remember to uphold the other faithful workers in Togo with our prayers and support.
Yours in trusting our all-knowing Lord,