Letter from Cody: Panama – June 2015
Have you ever wondered how the world will be reached with the everlasting gospel? It will, for the promises of God’s Word are sure! “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” Matt. 24:14; Rev. 14:6. With over seven billion people living on planet earth and that number keeps increasing by around 140 per minute or 200,000 per day. Then there are still vast areas that have never heard of our Savior, let alone of the Three Angels’ Message. Mathematically, I cannot calculate how it will happen, but we know that God is going to fulfill His Word! The earth will soon be lightened with the glory of God. Every unreached area will be illuminated with the light of the gospel! How will it happen, we do not know, but it will happen. “God will use ways and means by which it will be seen that He is taking the reins in His own hands. The workers will be surprised by the simple means that He will use to bring about and perfect His work of righteousness.” Testimonies to Ministers, 300. May God soon surprise us with His simple means!
While we do not know how His worldwide work will be finished, as we each faithfully do our part, God will use our feeble efforts for the fulfillment of His work! One such family that is seeking to lift up the standard of truth in new places is the Acosta family doing missionary work for the Master in Panama. Recently, the Lord has opened doors for them to enter some unentered territory. The island of Cebaco has had no Seventh-day Adventist presence until recently. The Acostas were invited to travel and help to open up the area by sharing the health message. There was much need because the people have limited access to fresh vegetables since most vegetables have to be brought in from the mainland. As they were giving free health consultations and sharing tips on healthier living a young lady introduced herself to them as an ex-Adventist. She told them that she had been praying that God would send someone to help her with her depression. As they counseled with her, she was so thankful that God had answered her prayer by sending them to help in her time of need. The Lord has His people in this remote island and many other places that He is drawing to Him, may He use His simple means to reach them! In another area, they were giving health lectures and consultations for a local health fair. As Brother Acosta was sharing about the importance of disease prevention, there was a pediatrician doing consultations in the same room. As she was meeting those that came to her, she was also listening to the lecture. Afterward, she came up to Brother Acosta and share with him that the medical professionals were starting to they were not stopping the rise of chronic diseases and that they were realizing that they must focus on prevention. She invited the Acostas to come and share what they had been sharing with a group of medical professionals so that they could be better informed on how to prevent these chronic diseases. Truly, the Lord is opening doors to minister to people in need and then to be able to share the everlasting gospel with them. The Lord is seeking to use people like the Acostas for the finishing of His work. We will not be able to quantify it, but God will use simple means like each of us doing our part for the completion of His work! Please pray for the Acosta family seeking to lead souls to the Savior through health ministry, Bible work, children’s ministry and more. If you would like to help them in their work, you can mark your donation “Panama.”
Yours in the promise of a finished work,