11/23/2013: God’s Special Treasure

God’s Special Treasure



Children are God’s special treasure and they are our future. God tells us in Proverbs 22:6 to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” There is no better way to help end the cycle of ignorance, poverty, and sin, than to reach the children with God’s truth. In this story, you will see how God is blessing.

Many people have wondered what has happened to MICE (Maranatha Institute of Christian Education). Previously, we decided that these children should be home schooled. I felt that we should try this for many different reasons, including that the mothers should be encouraged to work more closely with their children and take responsibility for their education. We gave the mothers a bit of home school training and provided the educational materials. Some of them tried, but after the first year I could see that it was not working. Some felt that they did not have the necessary time, nor the skills.

Sister Daniels teaching.

I began to pray about what to do. The Lord led me to meet Sister Wilma Daniels. At the same time, she had also been praying. She has been a schoolteacher for 35 years and has wanted to volunteer as a teacher in a foreign country. After talking to each other, we both knew right away that our meeting was not coincidence, but that the Lord was directing and providing a solution for both of our needs and wants.

Sister Daniels with Rene and MICE students.

One of our former MICE students, Rene, is now one of our assistant teachers, as well! Since Rene is now fluent in English, he is a big help to Sister Daniels. He helps her with translation and teaches several classes of his own. Rene has come a long way over the years. Currently, he is in Panama, conducting health lectures for Maranatha Medical Ministries. By God’s grace, our other MICE will one day work in the Lord’s service, as well.

Well-tended crops.

This is our only purpose for having a Christian school for the children here in the mountains: to train them to be of service to God and humanity. What could be of greater value, than to mold the characters of children and direct them in lines of ministry? I admire Sister Daniels, because the decision to come here to Honduras for an entire year must not have been easy for her. Many people asked her why she wanted to go to such a place at her age. I thank the Lord that she has a strong inner spirit and is also strong in the Lord. She knew that God was directing her to teach at our outpost, and no one was going to discourage her otherwise. What a testimony to all who hear the voice of God guiding them. Let nothing discourage you! Despite the language barrier, Sister Daniels is giving these children an education they could not receive elsewhere. And, while she is teaching, she is also being taught, because the children are helping her to speak Spanish.

MICE taking in practical lessons.

The education our MICE are receiving is priceless. As part of their training, they spend time in the garden. Our friend from Costa Rica, Brother Betancoure, often visits the outpost and he loves teaching others about how to cultivate and plant crops correctly.

“Let the children themselves prepare the soil and sow the seed. As they work, the parent or teacher can explain the garden of the heart with the good or bad seed sown there, and that as the garden must be prepared for the natural seed, so the heart must be prepared for the seed of truth. As the seed is cast into the ground, they can teach the lesson of Christ’s death; and as the blade springs up, they can teach the lesson of the truth of the resurrection. As the plants grow, the correspondence between the natural and the spiritual sowing may be continued…. The youth should be instructed in a similar way. They should be taught to till the soil. It would be well if there were, connected with every school, lands for cultivation. Such lands should be regarded as God’s own schoolroom.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 87.

The MICE are learning patience, diligence, attention to little things, and many spiritual lessons that are essential to build character. I wish all children could receive such a well-rounded education.

“There is no line of work in which it is possible for the youth to receive greater benefit. All who engage in ministry are God’s helping hand. They are co-workers with the angels; rather, they are the human agencies through whom the angels accomplish their mission. Angels speak through their voices, and work by their hands. And the human workers, co-operating with heavenly agencies, have the benefit of their education and experience. As a means of education, what “university course” can equal this?”

A Call to Stand Apart, 66.


By Elsa Willis at Maranatha Medical Ministries. Send correspondence to: Maranatha Medical Missionaries, PO Box 390, Keysville, VA 23947. Donations can be sent via Paypal through their website: www.maranathamedical.org.


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