Letter from Cody: Colombia – September 2012
Do you ever ponder how the Lord is going to finish His work? As we survey the teeming multitudes circling the globe, the magnitude of the work can seem overwhelming, but praise God, He “will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness.” (Romans 9:28) How can every person on this globe be given the gospel invitation before the final judgments fall? We must follow Jesus’ example! Jesus preached to some, sat at the table with others, healed some and visited privately with still others—Jesus used different methods to reach different souls. We must have a multifaceted outreach approach. Probably the best example of this was the San Francisco “beehive” church, “Many lines of Christian effort have been carried forward by our brethren and sisters there. These included visiting the sick and destitute, finding homes for orphans, and work for the unemployed; nursing the sick, and teaching the truth from house to house; the distribution of literature, and the conducting of classes on healthful living and the care of the sick. A school for the children has been conducted,… a working men’s home and medical mission…, treatment rooms,… a health food store… a vegetarian cafe, along the water front, ship mission work was carried on. At various times our ministers conducted meetings in large halls in the city. Thus the warning message was given by many. I have carried a constant burden for our work in the large cities.” Review and Herald, July 5, 1906. May the Lord give us a greater burden and greater wisdom to work the doomed cities with this united multifaceted approach.
Earlier this summer, I had the opportunity of seeing a multifaceted evangelistic program the Lord is using in Colombia. I had the opportunity to visit and share at a campmeeting being held on the campus of Las Delicias. As I strolled through their simple campus admiring the gardens and watching the birds darting from one tropical flower to another, I contemplated the beauties of the Garden of Eden and the reasons that God placed us originally in a garden. The abundance of food that they grow certainly testifies to their name—delicious. With around sixty or seventy students training to be missionaries, an important component of their training is cooperating with God in the cultivation of the soil. Part of their produce is then taken to the school cafeteria, and also to the vegetarian restaurant within the city. From this center of influence within the city they have the opportunity not only to share the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but doors are also opened to lead men and women to the true Lifegiver. Then for those who desire to learn more, they can come to a lifestyle session and learn how to combat disease through the simple means that God has given us. There are also various industries and publications with the goal of giving the message for these last days. The students who come learn to be missionaries and support themselves in their missionary labors. In addition to these efforts, they are reaching out at drug rehabilitation centers and other locales in beneficent work, teaching of our all-powerful Deliverer. I was blessed to see how the Lord is working with their multifaceted labors and how the gospel is being proclaimed to all classes. I am always to thankful to see the activities of faithful workers who are seeking to reach out to lost humanity—especially when this “beehive” approach is being used. Please pray that the Lord will bless their labors in Colombia and that we may reach out with as many methods as possible to bring the good news of our soon coming Savior to a lost world!