05/05/2012: A Growing, Glowing Firmament of Bright Stars
A Growing, Glowing Firmament of Bright Stars
Shine for Jesus in Kenya
We praise the Lord that the work is going forward in Kenya.
“Among earth’s inhabitants, scattered in every land, there are those who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Like the stars of heaven, which appear only at night, these faithful ones will shine forth when darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people. In heathen Africa, in the Catholic lands of Europe and of South America, in China, in India, in the islands of the sea, and in all the dark corners of the earth, God has in reserve a firmament of chosen ones that will yet shine forth amidst the darkness, revealing clearly to an apostate world the transforming power of obedience to His law…. The darker the night, the more brilliantly will they shine.” Prophets and Kings, 188 (emphasis supplied).
This has been a very busy year for the work in the Ibencho area of Kenya. The orphanage opened in March with 52 children. It is very encouraging to see the progress they are making. They are happy, healthy and studying hard in school. They are learning Bible texts and learning to study the Bible for themselves. Eight of the older children have been baptized this year. It is such a blessing to listen to the children sing. If you could hear them sing “Nearer My God to Thee” with enthusiasm, it would bring joy to your hearts. The Bible workers for Advent Hope Ministries take turns going to the orphanage in the evenings to assist in training the children. While we are thankful to give these children a home and food and an
education, if they do not learn of God, then we feel that the work is not as profitable as it should be.
There are many additional children that have asked or applied to come to the orphanage. At the current time, we have not been able to accept any more due to lack of funds for their food, clothing, school fees and other expenses. If anyone is interested in helping with the orphanage, please contact us.
“All who profess to have a Father in heaven, who they hope will care for them and finally take them to the home He has prepared for them, ought to feel a solemn obligation resting upon them to be friends to the friendless and fathers to the orphans, to aid the widows, and be of some practical use in this world by benefiting humanity.” Adventist Home, 169 (emphasis supplied).
Another project for 2011 was to build several worship shelters. A block church costs approximately $9,000 to complete. A worship shelter costs approximately $500 dollars. Our Bible workers have been very active, and just this year, there have been six new groups that have started from Bible studies. Each group has around 20 members, and always there are many children. At least with a shelter, they can still worship if it is raining, and they can avoid the hot sun.
“Wherever a company of believers is raised up, a house of worship should be built. Let not the workers leave the place without accomplishing this.” Evangelism, 376.
These new groups need Bibles to study. We have had more difficulty this year in obtaining Bibles. It just seems to be another way that the devil is trying to “hedge up” the work. People walk for many miles to come to the orphanage to ask for a Bible. It makes us so ashamed to think of how many Bibles we may have in our homes in America that lie on the shelf unread. In November, we were able to purchase 1500 Bibles in English, and our workers are searching for Bibles in the Swahili language. Also 200 Bibles in the Maasai language have been purchased this year. Of course, this is just a small amount in comparison to the needs. The following items have also been purchased: 250 additional Study Bibles; 300 History of Redemption books, which contain the Conflict of the Ages series, plus Steps to Christ, Christ’s Object Lessons and Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing; and 100 History of Redemption plus a Bible. Also, 320 books of the Testimonies in one volume have been purchased. Pastors, elders and Bible workers walk for many miles to request these books. They are a great blessing for them to use in teaching their congregations.
Also, an evangelistic series was held in November in Kenyenya, Kenya. This was every day for two weeks. Again the devil did his best to disrupt, this time through the weather; it rained every afternoon, except on two days, during the meetings. If the rain came earlier, not as many attended. If the rain came later, some people would run to leave for home before the rain. But the rain also brought many of the activities in Kenyenya to a standstill. This gave the workers in the shops nothing to do except to listen to the meetings. There were loudspeakers in the trees around the field where the meetings were held, so people for quite a distance away were able to listen to the preaching. The Bible workers continue to do follow-up studies with people as a result of the meetings. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide these souls to make a decision to commit their lives to the Lord.
In the Ibencho/Kenyenya/Eberinde area, there have been over 55 people baptized since August as a result of people studying with the Bible workers. One of these people was a former Pentecostal pastor. He studied about the Sabbath and found that the day was never changed in the Bible and accepted this truth. He is now studying with members from his former congregation. Please pray for him as he grows in the knowledge of the Lord.
The work at the clinic in Ibencho is continuing. They deliver many babies, sew up numerous cuts and treat many coughs and colds, plus flu, malaria, high blood pressure and other ailments. We are very anxious to find a nurse and/or doctor that would volunteer there for six months to a year and provide additional training for the workers. This is a true missionary endeavor, and the work of the gospel and the medical missionary work must go hand-in-hand. We are also looking for a more central location to have a second clinic.
The economy in Kenya has been hit quite hard this year. Food and travel prices have increased. The weather has been different—too much rain in some areas, and not enough rain in other areas. This is also creating hardship for people. But in their need, they are looking for a solution other than what Kenya can provide. There are many people that realize that all of the money in the world will not solve their problems or Kenya’s problems. God is the only solution to which we can point people.
“Time is short, and what you do must be done quickly. Resolve to redeem the time. Seek not your own pleasure. Rouse yourself! Take hold of the work with a new purpose of heart. The Lord will open the way before you. Make every possible effort to work in Christ’s lines in meekness and lowliness, relying upon Him for strength. Understand the work the Lord gives you to do, and, trusting in God, you will be enabled to go on from strength to strength, from grace to grace. You will be enabled to work diligently, perseveringly, for your people while the day lasts; for the night cometh in which no man shall work.” Gospel Herald, April 1, 1905.
May we all resolve to work quickly, and may we be fully committed to serving the Lord.
By Bill and Becky Humeniuk. Email: adventhope@hughes.net. Website: www.biblesforafrica.org. Advent Hope Ministries, Inc., PO Box 100, Campbellsburg, KY 40011.