Letter from Cody: Evangelism – March 2012
March has arrived, and with it spring is just around the corner! While presently there is scattered snow on the ground here in western Washington, we know that soon spring will fully burst forth. The buds on the deciduous trees are swelling and our early blueberry bushes have already revealed their new leaves. How refreshing it is to see the spring beauty burst forth, but how much more does our loving God long to see fresh, strong, continued spiritual growth in each of His people. Sometimes we find ourselves stagnating in our spiritual lives just like plants during the winter blasts, but God is calling us to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18. Plants grow with the warmth and longer days of spring, but what produces new growth in us? “The Christian will grow in grace just in proportion as he depends upon and appreciates the teaching of the Word of God, and habituates himself to meditate upon divine things.” That I May Know Him, 193. “If the follower of Christ would grow up ‘unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ’ (Ephesians 4:13), he must eat of the bread of life and drink of the water of salvation. He must watch and pray and work, in all things giving heed to the instructions of God in His word.” Acts of the Apostles, 284, 285. “Spiritual growth depends upon giving to others the light that God has given to you. You are to put forth your best thoughts in active labor to do good, and only good, in your family, in your church, and in your neighborhood.” My Life Today, 103. Like the green of spring, we too can grow in our Lord! By meditating upon His Word and heavenly things and seeking to share the light God has given to us, we can make continual progress in the knowledge of our Master.
We are grateful, not only for the promise of spring, but even more when we see the growth of new Christians in the Lord. We are currently in the middle of an evangelistic prophecy seminar and are very grateful for how the Lord is working. While we never know what to expect, we always know that the Lord will work for those honest in heart. On our first night there was much excitement as the room was overflowing with church members and some guests finding room only outside in the hall. While we are not bursting at the seams anymore, the Lord is continuing to bring an interested group of around twenty, and we are praying that decisions will be made for eternity. On our first weekend, we covered Daniel chapters 2, 3 and 7, along with the promise of our Lord’s glorious return. While some began to struggle with the concept of an Antichrist here now and that Jesus will not come in a secret rapture for His people, others rejoiced in the truths they discovered. In the second weekend of the seminar, we went straight into the testing truths for this time. We covered the Law, the Sabbath, the change of the Sabbath and the Christian experience as taught from the sanctuary. After covering the Sabbath there were many different reactions. Some were distraught that they had been duped all these years, never knowing what the Bible said. One couple was puzzled when they found out that we worshipped on Saturday but after studying the Sabbath, it had become clear. Others made a decision right then to be finished with Sunday and follow Jesus in keeping His Sabbath day. One lady shared that she had wondered for years why Christians were keeping Sunday when the Bible taught the keeping of the Sabbath and now she finally had discovered the reason! The Lord is indeed working as people are surrendering their lives to these newfound truths, but the devil is attacking, too. Already family members have risen up in opposition ¬with many of the standard arguments. Please pray that the Lord will continue to move upon the hearts of these precious seekers after truth that they will be led to make their decision and stand for the truths of the Three Angels’ Messages. May we and they continue to grow into the perfect spring of eternity!
Yours in the work of soulwinning,