Togo: Bible worker Paca – Oct 2011
During the distrubution of pamphlets, I met a woman. After giving her a pamphlet, she told me that she needed some more in order to give to others in her home. After I went to her. I told her how our first parents (ADAM AND EVE) lived before and after the introduction of sin in the world by satan, and bad consequences which caused this sin until today.
But after all this God never folded his arms.He sets up a plan of Salvation for humanity. She accepted that Jesus Christ is her Lord and saviour.
After this we planned to have a Bible study together. She gathered people of her house. After the study she told me that she is catholic at birth and in this church she never got such a teaching so clear like this one and convincing . The thing that excited me more is that at any time that I have Biblical studies, she makes the compound clear, places many benches and invites others to come and listen. This woman doesn’t do a sign of cross at the end of our study, I END MY PRAYER. Please keep us in your prayers and by the grace of God our wishes be achieved.